Stay With Me

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::Juliette's Point of View::

This seemed so surreal. I was in LA, I was in Colby's house on his lap, and I was dating the one and only Colby Brock. I smiled and snuggled back into Colby. I began to read the comments.. That was a terrible idea. The ones that hurt me the most was "Ew not even a mother could love that face." And "Go kill yourself whore."
Those were really bad. I could feel the tears start to come.
"Uh Colby where is your bathroom.?" I asked kind of hiding my face from here.
"Second door on right." He said pointing down the hallway. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I locked the door and sat down on the sink. I was looking in the mirror and then the thoughts came.
'You're so ugly' 'They're right. Your mom hates you' 'Colby's only dating you so he can get lucky' 'You're a whore Juliette.' 'Worthless trash'
I couldn't take it anymore. I began to cry. I slid my sleeve up, and I pulled my blade out. I had pushed the blade on my skin when someone knocked.
"Princess..." Colby called out. I sniffled, put my blade up and regained posture.
"Yeah?" I asked through the door.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I'll be out in a minute." I called out. I heard him walk away, and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I cleaned my face, and walked back out. I saw Sam standing with Colby in the kitchen. I got shy, and felt myself blushing already. They had their backs to me, and hadn't realized I was there. I hid my face for a second to get the blushing to go away, and then I walked behind Colby.
"Hey Princess. This is Sam. Sam this is Juliette." Colby said introducing us. I stayed his behind Colby, but gave a small smile, and a little wave.
"Hey Princess." Sam laughed making Colby making me blush even more.
"Sam got pizza, there's extra if you want to eat." Colby whispered in my ear assuming it was a sensitive topic.
"No thank you." I whispered giving him a small smile. Truth is I usually don't eat. Between the thoughts, and my mom I can't really eat. The only reason I've ate the past few days is because of Seth. SETH OMG I WAS SUPPOSED TO TEXT HIM. My eyes got wide and I hurriedly pulled out my phone.
"So so sorry I haven't texted, but I'm here in LA and I'm safe!" I texted him and put my phone back in my pocket. Sam and Colby were in the living room eating pizza and yelling at each other with food in their mouths. I laughed, shook my head and walked back in sitting down. I looked at the time 9 pm.
"Hey guys I should get going." I stated standing up.
"No.. Stay.." Colby said looking up at me.
"I can't Colby." I told him. I really couldn't. He would find out how bad my "nightmares" really are, and I don't want him to worry about me.
"Please Princess." He asked sticking his bottom lip out pouting. I bit my lip and rolled my eyes looking away from here. How can I say no to that face? I groaned and stomped my foot.
"Dangit Colby." I said looking back at him. Well I guess I could stay, and just not sleep, and then go back to the hotel in the morning and take a nap.
"Pwease..." He said grabbing my hand.
"Fiiineee" I groaned, "but go get me some pajamas." I laughed.
"YAY!" He yelled jumping up and going to his room. He came back and handed me some perfectly folded clothes. I went to the bathroom and looked at the close. He had brought me sweats and a tee shirt. It was short sleeve... I can't wear this he will see my cuts, but if I don't wear the shirt he will question me. I put it on and sighed. Maybe I'll just hide them. I took my makeup off and put my hair up. I folded my clothes and laid them on the sink out of the way. I walked back out of the bathroom. I was looking down while walking. I looked back up, and Colby, Sam and Tayler (who I'm guessing showed up while I was changing) were wide eyed and their jaws practically to the floor.
"Better close your mouth you'll catch flies." I stated sitting down, and blushing. The boys laughed and went back to their conversation. I checked my phone and had a text from Seth.
"I don't care that you didn't text me, I'm just glad your okay Jules. You had me so worried."
"I'm sorry Seth. :( I was driving most of the time and sleeping the other."
"It's okay baby girl, but I'm gonna catch some z's. Text me in the morning Jules. Goodnight I love you best friend."
"Goodnight I love you best friend." I put my phone in my pocket. I suddenly was sooo tired, I wanted to cuddle with Colby, but I didn't want to sleep.
"Princess..." Colby said. I guess I had closed my eyes.
"Yeah.." I answered opening my eyes.
"Let's go to bed." He said.
"Mmmmmm." I groaned stretching my arms out for him to carry me. He lifted me up and carried me to his room. I snuggled under the cover and buried my face in Colby's chest. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Goodnight Princess." I heard him say before I fell fast asleep.

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