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::Colby's Point of View::

I woke up and stretched. Dang I slept so good.. I decided to scroll through my phone. I noticed Juliette posted a picture. Yes I have her post notifications on. My eyes widened as I saw the picture. I read the caption "Accidental matching with the bestest friend in the whole wide world 💕"  I bet they're actually dating.. I wouldn't even blame her they make a really cute couple. I sighed and tossed my phone down. I decided to wear my black shirt with holes in it, my black skinny jeans, my blue vans and my blue SnapBack. I got dressed and then went and brushed my teeth.
"Good morning." I said laughing at Sam who was groggily rubbing his eyes. He almost ran into the door. He was still half asleep. He groaned in response to my greeting and I just laughed. I went in the kitchen and got a water and made a breakfast burrito. I sat down and began to eat.
"where is your phone?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes and scoffed in return.
"What?" He asked sitting down with me.
"Go get my phone, unlock it and look at the last thing I saw." I stated pointing towards my room. Sam did as I had told him too, and then sat back down.
"Okay...." Sam said smacking his lips together. "It says they're just friends and it was accidental matching." He said trying to help.
"Oh yeah well look at the way he looks at her... That's not just a "friend" look." I said making quotations with my fingers.
"Okay so... Just because he likes her doesn't mean she likes him." Sam responded.
"Maybe I'm over reacting." I said sighing and rolling my eyes.
"Maybe you are.."Sam said agreeing. "By the way Juliette texted you." He laughed handing me my phone.
"Hey my Colby Koala💕 I have a surprise for you!" I read it and gave my phone a questioning look.
"Oh yeah what's that?" I asked.
"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." She texted back.
"True... Can I ask you something?" I asked.
"Of course." She replied..
"Is there anything between you and that guy you posted a picture of?" I bit my lip waiting on a response.
"Colby... There is a lot that you don't know, but I will be straight forward and tell you. Seth is my best friend. He's the only person who knows the real me; however, no there's nothing going and there will never be anything going on. I promise Colby. I like you a lot." I sighed and smiled. I was just over reacting.
"Okay good because I really like you, princess." I replied. I told Sam the entire story.
"See bro I told you." He laughed and gave me a shove on my shoulder. I laughed back. I felt so freaking relieved.
"By the way Colby, our social media is going nuts over your mystery girl." Sam said showing me all the notifications on his phone. I laughed and went on musical.ly to see what I could get into, and hopefully stop boredom.
"Hey man, I'm gonna go to the beach with Tayler and Kelianne. You coming?" Sam asked me.
"Nah I'm not really feeling it today." I shrugged and with that he left.

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