New Love

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::Colby's point of view::

"Are you ready for your surprise?" She asked. I figured she had got new clothes or dyed or hair.
"Of course!" I said smiling.
"3...2...1.." Right when she said one someone buzzed into my room.
"Hold that thought." I said annoyed.
"Hello?" I answered the call.
"Surprise!" Juliette's voice came through the phone and the intercom. I threw my phone by accident and took off running to the gate. I don't know what took ahold of me, but I had to get to her. I needed to see her in person. When I got there I saw Juliette leaned against the wall. She was so freaking perfect, and she was wearing the outfit I picked out. I laughed a little and continued jogging up to the gate. I typed in the code, and as soon as the gate opened we ran to each other. We hugged and I picked her up and spun her around. She was tall, and skinny. She was just a few inches shorter than me. She was so skinny my arms almost wrapped around her twice. It felt so good to have her in my arms. I never want to let go of her.
"Oh my gosh Juliette! What are you doing here.?" I asked a permanent smile on my face.
"Oh well I'll just leave." She said being sassy and turned around. I grabbed her arm and we both laughed.
"I can't believe you're here!" I said hugging her once more.
"I know!" She said hugging me back.
"Come on princess." I said grabbing her hand and leading her to my apartment. I held her hand all the way up to the apartment. Just her presence made me so happy.bI grabbed my phone once we got in, and thankfully it wasn't broken.
"This is a nice place. I figured with two boys here it would be a mess." She laughed.
"Nope Sam is a clean freak." I laughed sitting down on the couch and pulling her onto my lap.
"Speaking of Sam where is he?" She asked cuddling into me and putting her head on my chest.
"He went to go get some food, oh yeah I should probably tell him to get food for 3." I states giving a small laugh.
"No, Colby I'm fine." She said looking up at me. I just nodded. That scares me with all her sad quotes and stuff. The cool thing though is when she was home, you could see the sadness in he eyes, but now here with me she looks really happy.
"We have to take selfies!" I exclaimed. We stayed in our position and took pictures on both of our phones. A few minutes later I got a notification Juliette had posted a picture. I looked at it and smiled. I was kissing her forehead and she was laughing. The caption said, "He calls me Princess, like it's my name.😚😍" I commented on it and said, "because you are my princess😚"
After I did that I got really nervous because now my followers would know who Juliette is. Soon enough mine and Juliette's phones were going off.
"Colby I just went from 2,198 followers to 4,987 followers." She said looking at me. The comments is what was going off on my phone though. They were mainly comments saying "Awww relationship goals.." But there was a few that was really rude.
One said, "gross Colby you like her?" And another one said, "He's just using you, whore." 
This made me quite upset. I got on twitter and tweeted.
"Guys stop hating on Juliette please."
Then I posted a picture on my Instagram of Juliette kissing my cheek while forcing me to make a kissy face. I captioned it:
You're so freaking perfect in every way, and not everyone sees it, but I don't care because I see it. You make me so happy.. Will you be my girlfriend? @/duhitsjuliette"
I waited a minute and then she finally saw it. She looked up at me wide eyed.
"Are you serious?!" She practically screamed. I smiled and nodded. "I would love to be your girlfriend!" She said. I bent down and kissed her and snapped a picture. I uploaded it and captioned it "SHE SAID YES😍"

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