Nightmares & Crying

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Juliette's p.o.v.:

I texted Colby to let him know I made it home. I told him I had a friend over I just didn't specify it was a guy. I know I should've told him, but I really like him, and I didn't want him to get upset. Seth got out of the shower, so I went to shower. I didn't take as long this time since Seth was here. I liked having him around for a couple reasons.
1. He keeps my mom from hitting me.
2. He keeps me from harming
3. He's my best friend, & it helps me sleep knowing he's with me.
I love Seth to death. I really don't think I would be here without him, and now we will get close again and my habits will stop. I hoped... I got out and blow dried my hair. I then put my sweats and hoodie back on. I walked back in my room and Seth was sat on my bed leaned up against the wall playing on his phone. I sat down beside him, and laid over on him.
"I really did miss you Jules." Seth said putting an arm around me.
"I know I missed you too." I said cuddling into him taking in his scent. I felt so sleepy which was odd for this time. Maybe it was because he made me feel safe. I grabbed my phone and texted Colby.
"I'm out, but I don't think I'll be awake much longer. I'm so sleepy." I texted him and then locked my phone. I guess I had fallen asleep because next thing I knew Seth was moving me and getting up.
"Noo..." I whispered my eyes fluttering shut.
"What?" He asked looking back at me.
"Sleep with me." I said my eyes fully closing.
"Jules..." Seth started, but I just grabbed his hand, and slightly tugged on him. I felt the bed dip behind me. I rolled over and buried my face in his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and I quickly fell right back asleep. A few hours later I saw a light out of the corner of my eye. I opened my eyes and looked. I saw my mother standing in the doorway. I squealed and tried to bury my face back into Seth, but he wasn't there.
"What bitch? Your little boy toy isn't here to save you." My mom laughed walking closer to me.
"" I kept mumbling trying to scoot back.
"Nowhere to go." She laughed, but now she was standing over top of me. I screamed and flinched my eyes shut, but she never hit me.
"Juliette... Juliette.." I heard my mom say.
"Juliette! Juliette! Please wake up!" She said again, but now she sounded like Seth. I woke up and took a deep breath. I saw Seth kneeling over top of me. I began to sob, I couldn't help it. He grabbed me and sat me on his lap. He wrapped his arms tight around me. I buried my head in his chest and continued to cry.
"Seth...." I sobbed. "It...was..her..." I said in between sobs and breaths.
"I know Jules.. I know.." He said shushing me and rubbing my hair. I kept crying it was so scary.
"It's okay baby girl.. I'm here... It's okay." He shushed me again, rocking me and still playing with my hair. I eventually fell back asleep with Seth holding me. I had nightmares sometimes, but usually I woke myself up since Seth wasn't always there. I'm really glad I have him.

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