One month. One long agonizing month. One long torturous, agonizing month living under the same roof with a bipolar Ethan.
Although we've -more like 'I've'- developed a routine still, he's a child, developed a routine of a child.
"ETHAN!!" I stormed out of my room at 7:46 am and to his room which is only 3 doors down to mine.
"ETHAN!!" I shook him awake and he only groaned.
"DOLAN! Get up, you piece of--Oomf." I staggered back as a big ass pillow hit me square on the face. Didn't see that coming.
Frustrated than ever, I yanked the thick navy blue comforter and plucked his pillows one by one until I heard him groan again.
"Stooooop.." He whined, rolling to his stomach.
"Get up! School starts at eight!" I said in a hurry. He raised his head lazily and looked at the bedside table, checking the time.
"Oh! would you look at that, even if we started moving now we'll still be late." He rasped before he dropped his head back to the fluffy, bare bed, "Guess we won't be going to school today." He added, his words muffled by the mattress.
"No, I can't afford to miss out anymore classes!"
"Not my fault you woke up late."
"Not your fault?!" I asked throwing my hands up exasperatedly, "Not. Your. Fucking. Fault?!! You turned off my alarm. Again!" My tone rising, "Now, GET. UP!" I yelled slapping his leg.
"Jeez.. okay, mother."
"What is this?" Ethan asked sassily once he sat himself in the dining.
"A bowl, Ethan." I sighed as I put all my papers back to my backpack.
"No. 'What' is this?"
"What? where's my waffles?"
"Because I didn't make any."
"Because we don't have time. Now, are you going to eat cereal or eat nothing at all?" I taunted and he groaned exaggeratedly before pouring himself a bowl.
"You're so cooking pasta tonight."
"Cheerios or Lays?" Ethan asked as we stood in line at the cafeteria.
"Lays. And get me some pudding." He nodded, and got the pudding along with 3 more cupcakes on the tray that we share, "That's enough cupcakes, Ethan!" There are now 8 cupcakes on the tray, filling 1/4 of the space.
"I don't want you eating mine. Again." He mumbled and I rolled my eyes as I handed the lady his credit card and sat down on our usual seat and divide the variety of food on the tray.
"That pudding's mine!" I exclaimed as I saw Ethan basically chugging down my pudding.
"No, this is mine."
"I said. Get 'me' some pudding."
"I did get some pudding, but it doesn't mean that it's 'your' pudding."
"I opened that!"
"Well, thank you for opening it for me."