Chapter 11: Bench

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"Come along." They say.

"It'll be fun." They say.

Aaron pulled at my wrist while I use the other to hold on to the back of Ethan's grey shirt.

"That's what they all say, and look! they died." The group looked at me weirdly even Ethan stopped pulling my hands away from his shirt, I rolled my eyes at them, "Haven't you watched Final Destination? part 3?" And they burst out laughing while I just gaped at them. Do they think this is funny? this is a life and death situation.

"It's only a movie." Ethan said as he himself fall in line, dragging me with him using the hand that was still clutching the back of his shirt.

"This is what I'm talking about!" Seb cheered as him, Aaron, And Jack lined up behind us.

"Please, I'll be a good girl from now on. I'll even stop swearing, I-- Ethan let's go down it's not too late to save ourselves, let's go!" I pleaded and shrieked as I heard the train thingy we're riding made a metal scraping sound before it moved backwards.

"I'm afraid we're too late, sweetheart." Ethan -that jerk- grinned mockingly. I have my eyes closed the entire time the train thingy was moving backwards slowly, taking us up to the top and I shrieked again when I opened my eyes and see everything beneath us.

"Cal--" Ethan tried to say something between his laughter but I cut him off.

"I'M GONNA DIEEEE!? PUT ME DOWN! I DIDN'T WANT THIS!? I WAS PUT HERE AGAINST MY WILL!?" I screamed and clasped my hands together, "Dear God I know I'm lazy and resting all the time but I don't want to rest... in peace just yet." I prayed my eyes closed.

"Can you shut her up? the ride haven't even started yet?" I heard someone ask, annoyed.

"Do you want me to shut you up for good?" Ethan answered his question with his own question but with a little threat. But that's the least of my worries as I continued praying and sooner than later I found myself clutching Ethan's hand and screaming 'I'm gonna die' over and over again while he laugh his head off as we sped down the highest hill of the roller coaster.

"Well, wasn't that fun?" I asked once I am seated on a bench my friends standing in front of me and halfway done with my 2nd ice cream, and the adrenaline of riding the roller coaster is gone.

"Indeed." Everyone agreed with a smile.

"Can we ride the carousel now?" I asked hopefully.

"That's for kids." Seb whined, "Let's go to the bump cars instead."

"You can go. We'll stay here." Ethan said, sitting beside me.

"But I wan--" I squealed when someone squeezed my side.

"See? she's still in shock." I looked at Ethan pointedly and back to our friends to tell them I'm coming only to see their retreating backs, shocked. They left me. They actually left me with him.

"Let's go."

"I thought we're staying here?" I questioned and he rolled his eyes at me, then stood up.

"I only said that so they'll leave us alone. So let's go." I'm confused, but nonetheless I trudged after him clutching the back of his shirt once in a while to prevent myself from getting lost. Seriously! there's too many people in here, what if I followed someone thinking it's Ethan and got lost? I don't have my phone with me and I can't just talk to strangers asking if I can borrow their phones to call my friends and it's not like I know their phone numbers anyway, so I gotta stick with Ethan.

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