Chapter 10

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Stefan was always a soul worth trusting. He reminded me of Elijah. Stefan is a man you want next to you, he feels shockwave and stays on his feet - he'll cover any angle and stay right until you can breathe, until your okay.
The door opened with a slight creek, their mansion had an elegant exterior, similar to the Mikaelsons.
Stefan answered - he lifted his head with a grin, only to realise I was close to crying. His facial expression was concerned as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I kept my head down.
"Come in, and tell me everything"
That's what I loved about Stefan, no small talk - a man of few but important words.
He guided me towards a secluded room within the mansion. The room was beautifully furnished - Italian empire period, tapestry panels and vintage furniture.
As we sat, I could no longer hold the tears. A hysterical cry hit me as Stefan took me in his arms, cradling my body like a new born.
Crying felt as if there was a rawness to it 1 an open wound, after several minutes the sobs were reduced to sniffles.

Stefan held either side of my shoulders, comforting me.
"Ana, why don't you start from the beginning"
And so I did.

In started in June 1830, the leader of desmonian coven was killed by Klaus Mikaelson. He killed my grandfather - This then led to covens leading wars with covens. Over and over - like a line of dominos falling. As some boys from England, walked the streets of New Orleans, on a terrible day. My two brothers; Trevor and Leonard. Killed by the Mikaelsons during the Great Civil war. Since then, the feud raged on. Until now, until I fell in love with a Mikaelson.

Stefan nodded at the appropriate times during the explanation. He understood.

"Surely, 2000 years later the feud would have ended? You love Kol, 2000 years have passed"

"I thought so too, I thought I could be with Kol - end the feud, live in peace. I suppose once history takes its place, there's no changing it..."

"I have an idea."- Stefan began
"You and me, we go to the mansion- explain you have no intention to hurt but to only love Kol, sugarcoat it , romanticise it slightly"

"Klaus is coming for, he wants to hunt me down - he did it to Tyler. I have to run, I have to leave. Soon."

Stefan bit his lip anxiously
"Ana, your fast, your faster than anything I have seen before - your stronger, you can outrun him. Keep him on his feet, keep him following you whilst I talk to the rest of the family. Trust me okay? When the others come round; klaus will stop and come home"

I thought about it long and hard. I knew I was fast.
"But where do I start?"
"You go back to London, back to Westminster. You keep running. I'll keep you updated on the situation. I'll have Bonnie cast a tracking spell, we can keep an eye on you at all times"

"Good, this is good. But if it comes down to it, a fight that is - do I kill him?" I questioned
"Here, take the white oak stake, jam him in the heart and don't take it out, ever."

I gave Stefan a hug, this was my only shot - running. I trusted Stefan and I trusted Kol would come looking for me. As I left, Stefan placed a light kiss upon my forehead and handed me the stake.
"Trust me" he whispered.
I nodded and begin to walk.
"Oh and Ana. Fight strong.Like you used to" - he winked and then he was gone.

I sped home, immediately packed a bag. I needed little - just the essentials. And I began my Journey, caught the cheapest and nearest flight to London, Gatwick airport. As I vanished of the face of mystic falls. I took one last look at the Mikaelsons mansion from a few miles away.

"I'm coming back" - I whispered, whilst clenching the moonstone necklace.

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