Chapter 15

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Enough is enough. With no contact from anyone - I could only assume it was safe. 4 Long months have passed. Although it seemed like 4 long years.
Today I would finally see her again, my beloved. Despite the consequences, I couldn't care less. Let Klaus find me, kill me even - I just wanted to see Anastasia. For I longed to see her, one last time. Even if it meant putting myself in danger, for she has waited long enough.

I need not pack a bag, just myself was enough. The journey was a rough 2 hours. An intensely difficult 2 hours - after finally arriving, I couldn't help but blush of the thought of seeing her again, she made me happy - A warm kind of happy; that's enough for any man, right?

I pushed into the modernist looking house, Where is she? What happened to the plan? Stefan keeping me updated that is.

As I walked through the corridor, I was merely confused - a male stood, watching the sky. Around 6ft, a slim build with dark chestnut hair, slicked back- he had an odd exterior surrounding his aura, somewhat familiar. His eyes darted towards me, as I held my hands out in defence. He didn't seem startled, although he looked extremely familiar as he gazed upon me. My eyes scanned the room as Anastasia was no where to be seen, the male turned to me.

"My god, she was right..."- A silence filled the room, he could sense my confusion. Given he was using the past tense as he continued.

"...She said you never looked a day older, so many years since I saw you last, not a day of it on your face"

I then clicked, Anastasia's brother; Cassius. I vividly remember him from the civil war.
Still I remained silent as the only sound was the rain patting against the window, a storm was beginning to brew and still Anastasia was not here - she would have ran to me, the second she could sense me outside.

Cassius had all but a letter in his hands, addressed to my name, written in Anastasia's handwriting. He handed it to me, taking a deep breath as the room began to dim. Still I remained silent.

"You know, she spoke of you many times. Often wished you'd visit her again, you know how women are" - he sounded both mentally and physically drained within his speech, as my eyes darted around the room, he could tell I was looking for her.

"She's not coming back" Cassius held my gaze and said so bluntly. What kind of sick joke was this?

"...Klau- Klaus came for her in the end. Incase you hadn't guessed already.Shh -She died fighting...I'm sorry to break the news to you. Believe me I find this most difficult" - Cassius gulped hard as he continued with a stutter in his voice.

"She had her whole life ahead of her - with you of course. Taken so soon. So young, too young..."

I need hear no more. I was unable to move. Speak. My body frozen from shock, intensity hardened my interior as a pain shot through my chest. I couldn't lash out, physically. I felt as though my heart had been ripped from my chest as anger, desolation and grief struck me like a bolt of lightning. There's a part of me that wants to believe he's joking, that she will jump out from the corner any second now - welcoming me with open arms and her sweet kisses.

"There's nothing more we can do, except mourn. My sincere apologies, Kol"
Cassius exited the room in raw and deadly silence.

By now I was more than crying, it was desolate sobbing from a person drained of all hope, I sank to my knees, burning my head within them. The sound of my tears mingled within the rain - echoing. I cried like a child. She was gone. This could not be my Ana, this could not be my life, I could not physically wrap my head around this, not now - not ever. My monstrous brother Klaus, had killed the only woman I would ever love, the woman who kept me sane. The woman I would marry and share my life with. Gone.

As I sit against the peeling wall, the grief came in waves and was consuming me entirely, leaving me an empty shell. Leaving me stripped of humanity. Leaving me heartbroken, Forever.

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