Chapter 11- Campfire stories

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A sigh left Brad’s mouth.

“The reason I invited him to stay with us for the week because. Well you know my YouTube channel?” Brad said.

“Just get to the point.” I said, slightly getting annoyed.

“We are starting a band together. This week we were going to practice, and get used to playing music together, and see where it goes from there.” He continued. I felt so cross with him, I loved him to bits, but he didn’t even bother to tell us the real reason? I jumped out of the pool and grabbed my towel.

“Where are you going?” Amber asked me. I walked inside not even bothering to respond. I wanted to be alone to think. I went to my room. I sat on my floor because I didn’t want to get my bed wet and thought about what I could do. 

Then it hit me. Not literally. I got up off the floor and went to the bathroom. The shower was some miracle invention that I go and I can think clearly. I jumped in and turned on the water. Steam surrounding me. I wasn’t sure how I should respond to this. Sure, I should feel happy for him, but why couldn’t he just tell me? He didn’t even know James before, he could of some murder for all we know. I don’t know why I am so worked up over this but still, you’d think he’d tell his own sister. Lately I feel as though we have been drifting a part. 

I turn off the shower and try myself. I towel dry my hair and wrap a towel around myself since I didn’t get any clothes to change into. How stupid of me. I opened the door and found all three of them standing in the hallway. I walked over to Brad and wrapped my arms around him. I could tell he felt uncomfortable with James watching, and me just in a towel.

“Rhi?” He asked.

“I’m sorry. I should be happy for you. I don’t know what came over me. I mean yeah you should of told me since I am the one left in charge, but I’m sorry, I feel really stupid, and I just walked off with no explanation, I should of said something.” I stopped suddenly and realised I started to ramble. I looked up at him. He looked. Well to say little surprised would be a understatement. My cheeks also felt wet, I guess I was crying. 

I stepped away from him and held onto my towel. I looked at James, he looked extremely awkward.

“I was going to hug you too to apologize, but by the look on your face, and what I am wearing, I think maybe not. Sorry to disappoint you!” I say trying to lighten the mood. 

“Well, I am going to go back to my room and stay there for a while. Bye.” I say and dashed to my room. I shut my door. And then heard a knock. 

“Rhi? Are you sure you want to stay in your room?” I heard Brad ask.

“I might for a bit, I still need to get dressed anyway.” I say. 

“Oh uh, right.” He said. I think he walked away then. I grabbed some shorts and a white tank top. 

After I got dressed I walked out of my room and went outside where the others were. 

“You know what we should do?” I said.

“No?” Amber asked.

“Set up a little campfire and have some dinner.” I reply.

“That is an awesome idea! I’ll go and see if we have marsh mellows!” Brad says and ran inside.

“What will we be having for dinner?” James asked.

“Uh. Lasagna?” I suggested.

“YES!” James and Amber both yelled.

“Alright- I’ll go and order some.” I say and walk inside.

“FOUND THEM!” Brad yelled.

“Found what?” I asked approaching him.

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