Chapter 44 - Soon. I hope.

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The little boy in front of me began to sob. 

“Aunty Lex? Uncle Aaron? Why can’t they hear me?” He sobbed. 

“Edmund?” I say quietly.

“How do you know my name? What is happening?” He asked and sat on the floor. 

“Edmund, I know your name because that’s what your Aunty called you. Can you stand up for a moment?” I asked and he obliged. “Can you look in the hospital bed? What do you see?”

“Myself?” He asked quietly. I nodded when he looked at me. 

“You’re in a coma, a deep sleep. Just like me.” I said sadly. 

“But why can’t they hear or see me?” He asked. 

“We are like ghosts. But we can hear and feel everything that is happening to our bodies.” I said and took a better look at the boy. He doesn’t have any bandages and casts on. I felt my head. No bandage there either. Thats really weird. 

“Why are you in a coma? Where is your body?” He asked. 

“I’ll show you, but can I ask Edmund, how old are you?”

“I’m nine, how old are you?”

“I’m 17. Come, I’ll take you to my hospital room.” I said and lead him down the hallway, up some steps and finally stopped outside my room. “Before I show you my real self, I’ll just warn you, there are a few people in my room.” He looked a little confused. I walked through the door and he stopped at the end of my bed. 

“That’s you?” He questioned. 

“Yep, that’s me.” I sighed. 

“What happened?” 

“I got whacked at school by some guy.” I said trying to make it less graphic than what it actually was. 

“Who’s that guy?” He gestured to Tristan who was just staring at me.

“He is my boyfriend. Let’s leave my room.” I said and left. I don’t want to see everyone right now, I don’t want to break down in front of the kid. 

“What’s your name?” Edmund asked. 

“It’s Rhiannon. Most people call me Rhi.”

“Most people call me Ed. Will I ever, uh wake up?” He asked. 

“You will eventually, I hope soon. I would do anything to be back with my family and friends.” 

I sat on the floor of the corridor with Ed, he told me about himself. He has had a dark childhood. Never had decent friends that respected him. Was always bullied, was looked down upon by teachers and peers. He had a more painful childhood than me, and he is only nine. His aunty is his mothers sister, but his aunty and uncle don’t really like Ed. He says they don’t really like him as a person. When he used to stay with them, he always had to do what they wanted. They never touched him, but they wouldn’t feed him until he did what they wanted. His parents never knew. He tried telling them, but they wouldn’t believe him, not ever. They told him it wasn’t nice to make up things about them. That must of been so hard for him. He was in tears by the end of telling me about himself. I cradled him in my lap while he cried. He hugged me so hard I thought my chest was going to collapse. 

I waited before he had calmed down before I spoke. I thought it would be fair to tell him about myself. I told him about my dad, Josh, how I met everyone. It brought me to tears eventually. We sat on the floor crying in each others arms. It felt strange to not be held by Tristan, but it felt nice to be sort of a mother figure for this boy. I do feel very sorry for him though. He doesn’t yet know that the rest of his family is gone. Well I don’t think he does. 

Triplets with Bradley Simpson (The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now