Chapter 6 - Champion of My Heart

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Gabi's POV

Toni was only limping slightly as he returned from the Wembley washroom and sat back down next to me. He smiled, took my hand, and placed it on his lap before turning back to watch the second half.

I was a little apprehensive when he told me he was going for surgery to fix his knee problem as a way to make full use of this injury period, but everything seemed to have turned out fine afterwards. He was working hard towards full recovery, but I could tell he was still a little disappointed that he couldn't play a part in the final.

He jumped up in joy when the final whistle blew, almost losing his balance and falling on his butt if I hadn't grabbed him. "Careful, baby," I laughed.

In response, he grabbed my face with both hands and planted a hard, wet kiss on my lips. "Oh, Gabi," he pulled away and gazed at me dreamily, even though I knew that look wasn't entirely meant for me. "We won!"

"Yeah, you did," I beamed.

"I wish I could've played."

I couldn't help but give a loving chuckle at his forlorn face. "Come on, don't be like that. Go collect your medal. You deserve it."

Almost like Lennox and Julius, his eyes brightened. "I do?"

"You do, baby," I kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun. I'll be here."

"I love you so much," he gave me a hug, but before I could respond, he'd already started walking down the steps gingerly before bounding as freely as he could manage towards the rest of the team.

As I watched them line up to collect the ultimate prize, I began to be slightly relieved that Toni wasn't standing beside me because I'd suddenly started crying. My team were the Champions League winners again. The last time I watched them lift the trophy, I was eleven. Things had been so different then.

Also, even though I refused to admit it to Toni, I was as disappointed as him that he couldn't play. Just watching him blame himself and brood over his missed opportunity broke my heart. I couldn't stand to add to his frustration. I wanted as much as he did for him to recover in time to play in the German Cup final, but deep inside I knew that it probably wouldn't happen.

As always, my tears were of mixed feelings more than anything else. I sat and watched as it was Toni's turn to lift the trophy, slightly thankful that I hadn't assigned myself this match and that I could spend the night with Toni if he wished. That thought brought the smile back to my face, and I sat and watched Toni's every move eagerly – still in awe, like I always would be, of the sheer magnitude of feelings that I held for him; and in awe, like I always would be, that such a wonderful boy was in love with me.

Toni's POV

After saluting the travelling crowd, I had a drink and a few celebratory beer showers (miraculously staying dry myself) with the other guys in the locker room. And then I remembered Gabi, sitting there alone in the stands waiting for me, and I felt a pang of guilt.

As I was not part of the squad, I was free for the night until my flight the next day, scheduled differently from the rest of the team. Bidding hasty goodbyes to them, I made my way back to find Gabi.

Her lone figure was the only one left in the stands, sitting patiently in the sea of empty seats with her legs folded. "Gabi!" I called from the bottom, not wanting to bother my leg with the stairs.

She stood up eagerly and charged down towards me, enveloping me into a hug. "Fun?" she asked.

"Not as much as when I'm with you."

"So cheesy," she giggled. "Are you going out with them tonight?"

I shook my head. "I can't walk properly anyway."

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