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Diana POV

I had no idea this was all a dream, little did I know I was nearly in a coma with the men of my life all sitting out in the waiting room.

I lifted my head from my pillow to the sound of a ringing phone, Heath dead asleep beside me. Silently I eased myself out of bed, my ribs aching from the beating they had taken mere days ago. Once I closed the bedroom door I answered the phone after quietly walking down the hall.


"Diana? I'm... I'm alone... I miss you beautiful." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I sat at the bottom of the stairs digging my toes into the shag carpet.

"Ger you're drunk... You need to get some sleep."

"No I'm not too drunk... D I did so much coke my face is completely numb... I dunno how I'm even talking." He laughed slightly into the phone, making me laugh as well. This was normal of Ger, truth be told I think it was the liquor more than anything.

"I bet. Where are you... What city? Tell me all about it." I sighed and closed my eyes leaning my head against the wall beside me. I wanted to escape to run far away from here. To be on the road away from this life.

"I'm in New York...." He sighed through the phone. "It's beautiful with all the lights at night... It's like stars on a skyscraper canvas...I can picture you dancing with me on a roof top... Bottle of champagne."

"O yeah?"

"Yeah D.... I love you.... I fucked up... I'll be by tomorrow." My bottom lip wobbled as tears left my eyes. "I hear you crying... Why you crying babe?"

"I'm just...happy Ger.... I'll see you tomorrow right?" He laughed slightly before sighing. The most painful part of our call was always see you tomorrow. It made my stomach churn knowing it was all in his head. It was always see you tomorrow, it was our sick way of sometimes making ourselves feel better. We both knew he wouldn't be flying out to LA and join my pity party.

"Yeah.... I'll be right there... Good night."

"Good night G." I hung up and sat the phone down on the step before drying my face with my sleeve.

"Who the fuck was that Diana?" My heart stuttered as I stood and turned around looking up the stairs. Heath slowly walked down and picked up my phone before throwing it across the room. "I'll ask one more time... Who... The FUCK... Was that?"

"An old friend who drunk called me. Let's go back to bed Heath." He chuckled and picked me up by my neck, pushing me against the wall. " He...Heath.." I couldn't breath as I tried prying his fingers off. It was no use he knew that too. I squeaked the way his fist connected to my torso over and over. It was bliss when consciousness left my body.

" Help!" I screamed in my sleep moving slightly in the hospital bed, the monitor beeping rapidly. I felt cold hands on my wrists as voices began to fade into my hearing.

"Miss Martin! Miss Martin!" My eyes shot open as I took in my surroundings, two nurses and a doctor stood above me, my heart calming down. "You're at the hospital you were having some withdrawls so your friends brought you to us. Can you understand me alright?"

"Yes..." I mumbled quietly easing back into the bed as the nurses let me go from their grasps. "Who... Who brought me?"

"Your brother and two others." I released a held breath, reality and my dream were nearly blurred together. "I will let them know you're awake." The doctor and the two nurses walked out, closing the door behind them. Hospitals were too familiar to me. The over sanitized smells invaded my nose constantly and the feeling of the sheets made my skin crawl. I sighed and played with the monitor on my finger tip, dying to take all these wires off and run. The door clicked before Gerald walked in and placed a kiss on my forehead before sitting on the stool beside the bed.

"You gave us a scare.... Your brother ran home to get you somethings and Dan had to go to the studio... You know how strict studio times are in this city." He chuckled slightly before I smiled and nodded slowly.

" What made you show up Gerald?" I had to ask, it crossed my mind as quickly as it spilled out of my mouth.

"I said tomorrow didn't I?" He gave a weak smile and looked down at his hands. "I uh... I cleaned up a little bit... Yeah I still drink.... Coke here and there, but I'm not /that/ guy anymore D." His eyes raised to look at me as he took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "I can't take everything back that I did... I know I could have fucking saved you from a lot of shit."


" No don't say it's okay... Don't say I couldn't have cause we both know I could have saved you at least one of those nights from a fuckin hospital visit." A shaky breath left him, his eyes glossed but he refused to cry. Always so careful not to let a tear leave.

" He would have killed you." I mumbled giving his hand a squeeze. I refused to cry about it, after all I had spent enough time of my life dwelling on it. "He knew about you... Hated you because whenever you would call I couldn't help by smile at some point... I never blamed you... In a way he loved when you called. He got a reason to start a fight..." A huff of a laugh escapes my lips. " No one knew this... But... Maybe I shouldn't."

" You can talk to me... Go ahead." Gerald sighed and for once tears slowly trickled down his cheeks.

"One time you called... It was actually the last time you called... I... I was pregnant Ger... God he got so pissed." I laughed through the tears before tugging my bottom lip with my teeth then exhaling. " The only thing I remember is hanging up and the ringing noise in my ears... Next thing I know I'm at the hospital... Everyone was telling me I fell down the flight of stairs in my house. I busted my head he said... I broke my arm... I knew it was all bullshit."I shook my head before chuckling. "In a way I'm glad the child didn't have to come into that hell... He was even more pissed then. I never had any proof to get him locked up he was always very careful about it... God only knows the poor woman stuck with him now." At this point Gerald nearly looked sick to his stomach. He stood and eased off his leather jacket, climbing onto the bed and covering us both with the jacket. Of course he was thin enough to lay comfortably beside me, avoiding all the wires.

"I'm sorry Diana. I'm not going any where this time.... I'm gonna be faithful too... We'd still be together but like I said I fucked up." I sighed softly and placed my cheek against his shoulder, my eye lids beginning to droop.

"Enough Ger... It's okay." He gave my arm a squeeze before once again sleep pulled me under.


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