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Yellow by Coldplay

I ran off the bus, taking in the fresh spring air that the state of South Caroline was offering. America was beautiful and sunny more often than London for sure. I took a deep breath before looking up at the outdoor venue stage before heading up the stairs. The crew had already set up the gear, bringing so much colour to the dull stage.

I sat down at the piano and played the beginning of Yellow, just closing my eyes and letting it flow through my finger tips. It was perfect being here and just enjoying the music and weather. I sometimes played the piano for Chris when he wanted to switch it up a little and get closer to the crowd.

"You playing tonight?" I lifted my head to look at Chris before nodding.

"If you don't mind. I would love to and you have a whole venue to entertain." I laughed a little before lowering my head again and starting to play Clocks.

"Sounds good to me!" He walked by, placed a kiss on the top of my head before grabbing the guitar. "Let's play A Sky Full Of Stars." He turned on the amps for the guitar then made sure the piano was hooked up. Chris and I had played together since childhood, so working together just came naturally. It was perfect the way his voice blended with the guitar and piano, allowing me to just close my eyes and let my fingers guide themselves along the keys. After the little practice session we sat around, having some food and chatting about this evening.

"Whose coming out with me tonight?" I looked around at the group. Guy shook his head as did Will and Johnny. "Really? Chris?" I huffed crossing my arms.

"Sorry I got the kids tomorrow morning so I can't..." I sighed softly before shrugging and smiling.

"Its okay, but don't freak if I'm not here when you wake up..." I smirked, mumbling before taking a bite of salad, Chris grumbled slightly. Of course he didn't approve of my little one night stands and he was my brother so it didn't make him feel comfortable about his sister sleeping around. Though he knew I would never settle down after being cheated on and treated so poorly by so many men.

"Just text me when you get to where you are staying please...I worry." He shook his head before sipping his drink. I of course nodded before smiling then going off to prepare for the show.

The show went by like a flash and it wasn't anything less than amazing. The colours of the stage, the voices of the people as they sang along, and of course the music was all magical. I rushed off the stage and grabbed the towel, drying off my face then climbing into the van waiting for us in the back. It drove us to a hotel where we would be staying tonight. I hurried to my room and took a shower before grabbing my clothes. I put on skinny jeans, my black converses, and sleeveless shirt. Then, I shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my wallet before heading down to the lobby. I walked out onto the street, looking down the ways at the night life. There was a cozy little pub at the end of the block that caught my eye. Glancing around for any paparazzi, I ran down the street and walked in, sitting down at the bar next to some guy whose hair looked like it had been styled by lightening.

"No one sitting here?" I smiled at him slightly and he smiled back for a moment.

"Nope! I'm Dan, Dan Smith." He offered his hand to me, I took it and shook his hand before someone pushed him back a little.

"I'm Kyle. These two blokes are Woody and Will." He moved back as well to reveal two more of their friends. My personal opinion was that Mr. Smith was the cute one. Kyle had on a cat shirt whose eyes had lasers coming out, which was...different. The others were busy talking to other girls.

"Diana Martin." I ordered myself a beer and told the bartender to keep the shots coming. They didn't recognize me thankfully, which meant they weren't Coldplay super fans and my night would be peaceful. "What are you British men doing in a American town like this?"

"We are uh...sight seeing." Kyle said looking at Dan. Obviously they were lying, but I didn't really care for the real reason. I downed a shot before shrugging. "You?"

"Visiting family...Well welcome to America." I got my next shot and gave them each one before we all raised our drink in the air then downed them. We spend the night drinking together, Will and Woody had already left after a few hours. They couldn't keep up with us anymore. Kyle was the next to go, leaving Dan and I laughing and very drunk. I rested my head on his shoulder, as we both laughed for no reason.

"I think I should be getting back to my hotel." I slowly sat up, the room was spinning and my seat felt like it was moving. I slowly stood up, almost falling before his hands grabbed me.

"Woah! Here let me help you get there Diana." He laughed, putting my arm over his shoulder as we walked out of the bar, both of us completely wasted. It took us a half an hour just to walk down the block and into the hotel because we were laughing and stumbling together. I clicked the button in the elevator then walked down to my room, struggling to get the card key in the slot. After moments of struggling we fell through the door laughing.

"You wanted to come in?" I kicked the door closed looking at him as I smiled.

"I'm never this fucked up I swear...and're a beautiful girl...wait I said that out loud." He mumbled before covering his face as it turned red.

"Its alright you're handsome." I moved his hands away from his face to take in his apperance. He really was handsome or it was just the booze in my head thinking for me. I slowly pressed my lips to his before parting us and looking in his eyes. They were full of hunger now and lust. I didn't get the chance to speak before his lips pressed to mine again, our tongue dancing as passion grew between us.

We had managed to get up and stumble to my bedroom, tossing his shirt onto the sofa along the way and my skinny jeans and shoes. By the time we'd landed on the bed only my lingerie remained before those were tugged off and his hands roamed my body. Hot lips and rough hands trailed along my soft skin as my hands ran through his messed up hair. I don't believe either of us lasted long considering we both had such urgent needs in our drunken daze. After it was over our warm naked bodies were intertwined as we slept soundly through the rest of the night.

I woke up first thanks to the constant buzzing of my phone, notifying me that I had to rush back to the bus. Dan was still beside me, his arms wrapped around me and still sound asleep. I bit my lips together watching him for a moment. I felt bad leaving him to wake up alone, but I had no choice...then again it was only suppose to be a one night stand. I sighed and left a note before rushing to shower, get dressed, and grab my bags. I left the room key and the note on my pillow.

"Thank you for a wonderful night. Good bye Dan Smith ~ Diana Martin x"

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