Blood Runs Cold

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Blood Runs Cold by Def Leppard

Chris POV

We had only been a few minutes behind her to get on the bus. There was no way she had the time to do that much damage at least I thought. Guy was calling the paramedics as Diana laid lifeless on the sofa of our bus. She'd grabbed my bottle of pain killers I'd hidden skillfully under my bunk. She must have seen me one night. I ran over to her, tapping her cheeks to see if she would even move just slightly, but her heart was barely beating.

"Diana! Diana! Come on! Stop this right now!" I could feel the tears in my eyes ready to leave. I heard the ambulance already outside, men rushing in and pushing me away. I stood back, zoning off in shock. Before I knew it they had left with Diana, we all just stood there in shock, waiting for one of us to call a taxi. We'd just have to walk outside and hail a cab.

"What happened?" Dan ran into our bus with Will, Woody, and Kyle behind him. I looked up from staring at my hands as I sat on the sofa.

"She um...she overdosed. we'll grab a taxi." I stood up, walking off the bus still in complete shock. Dan ran out onto the main road and waved his hands around to hail him and I a taxi, the others would grab another. "I-I thought she'd finally kicked it. uh sir drive us to the nearest hospital." I mumbled before rubbing my face.

"She'll be alright. We'll help her. She won't go through this alone." Dan nodded before giving my shoulder a squeeze. He lowered his own head before placing his hands in his lap as he and I both waited anxiously to arrive at the hospital. Did he actually care for Diana?


The rest of the car ride was silent as we were taken through the busy city streets. My heart was pounding at the thought that the girl I saw almost as family would possibly die. Yeah we shagged it was a mistake and we both knew it, but it didn't change how she felt to me.

We rushed out of the taxi after we finally stopped outside of the hospital. We were at least an hour behind the ambulance that was carrying Diana. Chris lead the way to the front desk with me at his heels.

"Hi we are here for Diana Martin...she was brought in for um..." He leans in closer to whisper, just in case anyone with a big mouth hears. "Drug overdose.." The nurse nodded before looking at her charts. She stood up, ushering us down a hall into a more private wing of the hospital before pointing to the door at the end of the hall.

"Miss Martin is down there and resting. They managed to stabilize her and clean out her system... HOWEVER." The nurse's tone became much more serious and stern. "The doctor has stated that she can't have another one of these mishaps again. The next one can cause permanent damage to her brain. She's been doing it for awhile though, we found track marks in between her fingers, so she's been hiding it from all of you. Now how about this time Miss Martin gets the proper care and attention."

The woman walked off with her clipboard. Chris lowered his head in shame before sighing as he walked into her hospital room. She was connected to a few wires and looked to be completely out.

"I'm sorry..." Was all I could manage to say, watching as Chris walked to her bed side and checked between her fingers before cursing.

"I didn't even notice...It's exhausting...watching someone you love throw everything away for nothing but...a fix. She use to be such a great person Dan...Now look. Can't even stay off drugs." I nodded slowly before putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Go grab a coffee. I'll watch her." He sighed before agreeing after a moment's debate in his mind. He left the room, looking exhausted with his shoulders hunched over. I glanced over at Diana before sitting by her side and carefully playing with her fingers for a moment. I could see the marks the nurse was talking about and ran my fingers over the small dots. "People care about you Diana...hell even I do and we just shagged one night and here I am by your bedside wanting you to wake up."

"For what Dan Smith. What makes me worth your time." Her eyes were still closed as her tongue glides along her bottom to wet her brims. I was getting distracted just by her doing that, even in this state.

"You're not a bad person Diana. I don't wanna be your love or anything. I just wanna be your friend. Hell I've been here before." Her eyes opened slightly, her face turning into softer features. "Maybe I can help you fight this Diana. I don't want to see you in this position."

"It just happened Dan. It's my problem not yours."

"Yes well your brother hates seeing you like get some rest." I stood up, yawning a little before kissing her warm forehead then retiring to the sofa in the room. It was my job now to keep her on the straight and narrow path.

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