Wild Weekend

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I knocked on the door once making it through the gate of her house, a grin couldn't help but cross my face when she opened the door. Her arms wrapping around me then Kyle, Will, and Woody.

" Hey! Come in! Come in! Set your stuff wherever it really doesn't matter. Welcome to my home that I think what... 10 people have seen." She looked healthy, her form plumped every so slightly with muscle, far from chubby or fat. Her skin tanned and hair coloured perfectly.

"You look really good Diana. Chris would be ecstatic."

"He's visiting for Christmas he says.... I can't believe he's booked for the next couple months, but it will be nice to see him. Enough about that, we've got a ton to do before your girlfriend comes over tonight for dinner."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"And I don't like cats." Kyle laughed watching as I blushed and followed after Diana to the studio. "Damn this is decked out. I think we'll have to vacation here and record."

"You're more than welcome to of course. Alright so with what you sent me and what you recorded let me know what you think." She played around with the buttons till the music began filling the room with the intro.

"And I don't think that... that's a selfish want, I really don't....I'm not saying that I have this capacity because it's hard to develop that capacity on your own, when you're being stopped at every turn....." The song played through, I had a serious face on, closing my eyes and taking it all in slowly.

"I really think I wanna play this on the Ellen show the week. What do you think guys?"

"We'll need to practice it a few good times."

"Well feel free to use the studio to practice. So you guys like it?" A smirk crossed her lips as she sat down, taking in the other's excitement.

"It's pretty awesome I'll give you that for sure Diana." Will chimed in before going back to his phone.

"Well it's all yours. I had a ball writing it for sure." A sigh of relief passed her lips before she stood and wandered over to the mini fridge grabbing a mini bottle of Jack. " What say we go celebrate or something? We'll pick up your girl early and go get some lunch."

" Thank God. I think Dan is trying to starve us with all this touring." Woody laughed and stood up, taking the lead to go to the car. Will got in the driver side while the rest of us filled in wherever. Diana took the passenger seat to guide Will through town with the aid of the GPS.

"So what do you all know about Jackie? Not you Dan, but the rest of you lot."

"She's actually pretty normal and almost as awkward as Dan?"

"O really" she laughed glancing back at me before o covered my face.

"O and best thing Dan as told her so far.... Why don't you meet my friend Diana. Funny enough her and I shagged and became like brother and sister..." Kyle laughed hysterically as I shook my head, putting down the window.

"Enough of the awful stories. You all are going to make me nauseous." Diana chuckled before shaking her head.

"Dan please don't tell her any more awkward things you might scare her away." The GPS beeped outside of an apartment building in the nicer side of LA. Thankfully there she was, waiting in a red dress that nearly matched her red hair. I got out of the car and placed a kiss to her cheek.

"Come on we've got a city to see!"

"I missed you too?" She laughed softly before getting in the car and sitting beside me. " Hey guys, you must be Diana. Dan has told me a bit about you."

"Hello darling and yes the one and only." She flashed a smile before looking back at the road.

" Diana tell us how you met Gerald... What happened between you guys?"

"Yeah we haven't heard that story yet." Kyle smirked slightly before putting his feet up on the center console.

"Well I met Gerald the first year I came to America. My parents... Well I told them I wanted to go to college in the states. So my senior year of high school they sent me to live in the bay area. My father's sister was a window and she loved when I would visit. So the first day it's pouring, my aunt told me to find a ride home cause she had a date and well... I wasn't really her responsibility." A laugh passed my lips. "So I start just walking towards home in the rain when this mustang drives by and the puddle near me just sends everything to hell. I'm soaked and nearly in bloody tears. Well the driver stops and turns around and parks in the lot head. This guy, lanky and his hair was short, he looked so goofy. He comes running yelling sorry and asks if I need a ride. So he drives me all the way home... My bloody aunt locked the door on me. So he takes me to his house insisting cause I'm like a wet cat and shivering. Suzanne his mother let me shower while she dried my clothes and.... Well Gerald and I became friends from that day on. He drove me home everyday." I looked down at my fingers and smiled slightly. " We were just friends all the way up till the senior year of college. He dated tons of girls. Finally one night we got super fucked up and just... It hit us both that why didn't we date ever. Well... I remember like it was yesterday... It was right before Christmas in 2011... We had an apartment, of course plenty of money cause I had played with my brother here and there..." I took a deep breath. "I had just dropped Chris off at the airport and I was suppose to go see a friend... But for some reason I went home. I was gonna surprise Gerald and ask him to go with me for no reason. I had my camera ready... It was our thing to take a ton of polaroids... I opened the door and he was fucking this random chick. He ran after me and I wouldn't stop. I went to my friends and a couple days later I saw him drop off my camera. I wanted to say something that day, but I never did. Took what? 4 years for us to find each other again."

"Pause. Funny enough I'm a huge G-Eazy fan... Is Marilyn about you? I saw the video and it's exactly what you just described."

"Yeah that's me... I saw that when it came out... He called me... Always called me cause we both still loved each other... It was our way of never really breaking up. We never stopped talking... We just never saw each other." A sigh passed my lips as I glanced at my phone. Maybe it was time to give Gerald a surprise? " Hey... Drop me off at the house... I think I'm gonna go visit Gerald on tour... A good surprise."

Lyrics Of Life [A Musician's Story/Geazy/Bastille]Where stories live. Discover now