Just another Fan fiction

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~This is based on The Twilight Saga, which Stephanie Mayer wrote. Thank you Stephanie and this is a fan fiction. I take no credit, except for the characters that aren't from Twilight Saga. Thanks again Stephanie.

Michelle's POV

It's like any other day here in NH, except that vacation is over. Winter vacation I might add. Everywhere you go all you're going to hear is I got this, I got this, my gift is better and so on. Seems like everyone is trying to out gift each other, should it matter? You got what you wanted. Besides I have most things that people got on Christmas. I wouldn't say I'm rich but I do have money, more than people think. And well my life, its a roller coaster but who's isn't? I'm just like any other teenager, I have my wants and needs, but mine are different. But anyways, on my way to High School, cold and dull. Walking threw the doors of the school just trying to get to my locker and my group of friends. People throw those glancles and a few Hey's as i just ignore them, typical. Finally got to my two best friends Caitlyn and Savanna. Caitlyn is blonde but very smart and Savanna is tall and brownish hair. Looking at my phone to realize I only have about 5 minutes to talk to them so as normal I just drift away from them and start to head to class. Finally reaching my class I sit down and the bell rings. Ugh, worst class of them all and have to be in it for 1hr 30min, fantastic. 

"Hello, how was vacation guys?" Mrs. Wheels asked us.

Murmurs of what we got and what we did went on for 10 minutes or so.

Dreading for the bell to ring, it finally did. The rest of the day went by some what fast like normal. Til I got to Biology, oh how I hated it so much. It's not so much the teacher it's just the people in it. I mean yeah my best friend is in it but then theres people who I hate with all my guts, I'd do anything to have a moment with them and punch them in the face. There mean and not the mean that just give side comments, well yes they give those but he's fat, mean, and careless. He ask and says things to me that he has no right to, like really fuck off. I've flipped out on him a few times and hes like why does she hate me, I just make fun of her. Do you hear what you're saying, "just making fun of her" yeah that will win me over. Well finally school is over, just another one of those days. 

As I walk home from the bus stop, which is usually like half a mile. Welcome to high school. I finally get home and just like any day im home... alone. My brother and his girlfriend tend to be here but there not home today, maybe my brother finally got a job. Chuckling at that, what a jokester I am, i just flip on the tv and grab some food.

"Hello." my mom yelled.

Guess my mom is home.

Looking over at the clock, 5:59. Shes late.

"Hi mom, What's for dinner?" I asked her.

"I just walked in, maybe help me with dinner?" She sassed back. 

Walking away from that as she got the leashes for the dog, I closed the door until i heard my mom say dinners ready. I get up and go towards the kitchen to find out there is chicken and rice, Yuck! I just grab the chicken and rice and go back to my room, when i finish i just fall into sleep.


Shuffling to stop the alarm clock from going off longer. Going to my walk in closet I grab a black hoodie that says PINK in white, and some hollister jeans. Yeah im one of those people who dress in all hollister, SORRY! Going to the shower i shower quick and put on my make up and do my hair. At 7:00 or so I tend to be out of the house, note that my mom brings me so we may be later. Silent drive to the school like normal. Finally got to the school as she drove up she said bye.

"Have a good day at school." she said.

You could just say I pretty much sprinted to the front doors of the school, in reality i just walked fast. I opened the door and just headed to where i usually go to, my friends. As I hear the bell ring i head towards first class, and what was different was there were gorgeous people in my class. I've never seen them before. Heck, no one has seem them before. Of course Savanna has to say something about it.

"Who are they?" she leaned forward to whisper it.

"You think I know?" sarcastically saying.

She shrugged to that and went back to staring at them, as so did I. There were a lot of them, 5 guys, 4 girls. The teacher soon to spoke up.

"Hello everyone, these are the Cullens." Mrs. Wheels pointed towards the 9 of them.

They all said there names. Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Jacob, Nick, Bella, Reneesme, Rosalie, and lastly Alice. There were a lot of them and so gorgeous.

"It seems that, Michelle you have them in all your classes, would you like to show them around." She looked directly towards me.

" Umm, sure Mrs. Wheels." as i glanced over to them.

They seemed friendly.


End of first chapter. Hope you like it, this is my first story im writing!

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