Another day

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Nick's POV

All night I layed in bed thinking about when Michelle came over. It's like i've found my reason to live. I think i might love her, i really hope she loves me back. This is so irritating when ever I touch her, like hug, no feelings or words come in my mind. Why cant i know what she thinks of or feels? It works on everyone ecept... Bella. Bella! That's it, Edward can't read Bella's mind because of her shield, what if Michelle has the same thing? I hate this, I want to know how she feels/thinks about me! Getting up I look at the clock and its 6:50, 10 minutes until we need to head to the school, 10 minutes til i get to see my beautiful Michelle. Her dirty blonde hair with natural highlights, how i can rest my chin on her from her being so short, in reality I'm just a giant. her petite figure. How she is just an angel, everything i have ever wanted and then more. Ever since i got changed from Carlilse, I've been alone. Seeing Bella and Edward happy, I want that! 

"Nick get your ass down here!" Emmett yelled.

Ugh, "Comming!" yelling back.

I bolt down the stairs and slap Emmett on the back of the head. HA! He just glared at me, hes going to get me back, great!

"Lets see your little girlfriend lover!" Emmett sarcasticly said. So i juts glared at him making attempt to scare him.

We walked into the school trying to search for Michelle. Where could she be?!?

"Calm down Nick, She's just talking to Caitlyn and Savanna about yesterday. By the way she loved it word by word." everyone chuckling to that. I just glare at him.

Then I saw her, Michelle. It's like everything got better, I am so glad to see her. I walk towards her to greet her and then to hug her. She blushed as i put her down from my grizzly hug.

"Why hello there." saying that while she is blushing.

Michelle's POV

Another hug! I think he likes me! Oh my god! Im proabably red as a tomato so I try to calm down.

"Looks like your in a good mood?" looking at him.

"Just glad to see you." hearing my friends giggle to that. I just smile.

The bell rings and with that we all head towards first class, oh wait we have all the classes together! Nick sat next to me in all the classes. I think he likes me, I like him. He gives me these funky looks, in-love? No, he can't be we just met yesterday. I don't know. I'm just glad he is here, in all my classes. Finally lunch!

"Want me to get you your lunch?" He asked willingly.

"You don't have to." trying to stop him.

"No, let me really." I just gave in. Few minutes later he was back. I glanced over and saw my friends, they were looking at me. I waved, they smiled. Are they mad at me leaving them? I feel bad, i think i should go over to them for a few minutes, after i eat.

"I'm going to go over to my friends, be right back!" getting up to leave.

"Hey guys." smiling at them.

"Hey, so are you and Cullen boy together?" Savanna asked.

"Not sure, ill give you the deets when i know." winking at her. They laughed.

"Sorry I haven't sat with you guys! It's just... you know, there new, and there really nice. You guys should come over and sit with us!" I told them

"Nah, its fine really!" they assured me.

"Okay, bye guys! Text me." waving as i walk away.

I sat back down next to Nick and Bella. 

"I invited them to come over but they didn't want to come..." said sadly. 

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