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Nick's POV

I can't believe this is happening for once something good comes in my life and of course the Volturi have to take it away. Why me. Why Michelle. Why us. I'm not letting them touch Michelle. I love her too much...

I love her.

And yet i haven't even mentioned it except for the time when we went into town but she didn't listen... she probably forgot already. Maybe i should go talk to her, but we haven't really hung out or talked in a while. I miss her.

Michelle's POV

Nick. Why cant he just leave my mind, he matters the most to me. If the Volturi hurt anyone in the family, especially Nick ill have to kill them. What do the Volturi want with me anyways. Bella and I have pretty much the same power but i can do more with mine. I cant leave Nick or the family, i just met them and i found my love.

I love him.

If we got separated i would die, literaly. How come we haven't been hanging out, we are slowly drifting away. Thinking about that made me even more sad. Just because the Volturi show up doesn't mean they can mess up my relationship with Nick. I miss him.

With that i went to find Nick. I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked in his room, my room, everyones room! Gahh! I went down stairs still trying to find him. I saw Edward so i thought i should just ask him.

"Wheres Nick?" I asked Edward.

"I think he went hunting, he should be back soon." Edward said.

Ugh... soon... 10 minutes? an hour? a day? When!? I was freaking out! I don't know why but i was. With that i went up stairs to just listen to some music. It was peaceful and relaxing it sure calmed me down. Little after that i heard Nick. I got up as fast as i could and sprinted down stairs and leaped for him. Gave him a big hug, i probably scared him. He hugged me back and it seemed like he was glad to see me. I was finally happy.

We went up stairs for a little to just talk.

"Keep it PG!" Emmett teased.

Glaring at him as i walked up stairs we went to my room.

"So... I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight." Nick hesitated.

"Definitely!" I said smiling.

"Want to go to the movies then?" He asked.

"Sure, what movie?" Asking him.

"You pick when we go." He smiled.

"Is this a date?" If i could blush i would be red.

"If you want it to be?" He stared in to my eyes waiting for an answer.

"It's a date." I winked.

With that we talked for a bit. Just random things. Saying stuff about our self that the other didn't know about, it was nice. After an hour or two of that we decided to go to the movies. We went down stairs and we told everyone we were heading to the movies. Alice gave me a look as in omg! Emmett like normal made those side comments. I'm going to get him back.

"Make sure you acually watch the movie!" Emmett yelled.

Grrr.... I'm going to get him!

As fast as we could we went to the car and drove out of the drive way. Leaving a smoke cloud behind our tracks. Ha!

We arrived at the movies in about 20 minutes. Usually would take about 45 minutes or so but us vampires drive like a manic. We went in everyone was looking at us. Got sort of annoying all these stares are getting on my nerves. Trying to forget that, remember your on a date with Nick, be happy. We got two tickets to some random movie, we didn't really care. We just liked the fact that we would be together with no one bugging us, none of Emmetts stupid comments. We found some seats in the back and the movie started.

Two hours later...

We came out of the theater, it was about 8:00 or so. We took our time to get to the car enjoying each others presence, knowing that we would have to deal with everyone at home. We got the the car and we just sat there for a minute.

"I like you Michelle, a lot." Nick said a little nervous.

Why was he nervous?!

Smiling at him i responded, "I really like you too Nick. Quite a bit actually." 

Within about 10 seconds we were kissing! Kissing! His soft yet cool lips on mine moving together like they were meant to be. There was passion in this kiss, soft and sweet. He slowly put his tongue near my lips wanting to enter. I approved, as our tongues danced together almost. I let a giggle escape from that. We went back to kissing for about 5 more minutes until we pulled away. 

He smiled and grabbed my hand, i didn't pull away. It was nice, we were an item... i think. The drive home was quiet but peaceful. enjoying one anothers presence knowing that we are together. Smiling at that, we arrived home. I looked at Nick and he leaned in for another kiss. We ended up kissing for five minutes. I pulled away to say something.

"I think we should go inside i bet Alice is dieing to know." laughing at that we closed the door of the car and walked in the house. Holding hands i might add.

"So?" Alice jumping up in down and staring at our hands.

"Yes Alice we are together." i said.

She jumped up and down like a little girl and gave me a hug.

"So did you get any action?" Emmett asked Nick.

I glared at Emmett, good thing Nick said nothing. Phew.

Alice was quiet for a minute or two, that made no sense what so ever. Then it looked like her sense came back.

"He knows.... Aro knows." She said with frighting look on her face.


Sorry its been a few days since i uploaded! Keep reading! Please fan, like and comment. It makes me upload faster!!! Let me know how this chapter was! I thought it would be nice to add some romance in this chapter. Finally get Nick and Michelle to go out! Remember comment&likes& fan me make me upload faster. Give me some feedback!

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