Epilogue - Yui

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im high.

Daryl's PoV

Four months have passed since Yui and I began dating and since I joined the Ice Dragons. It was awkward at first, but it didn't take long for people with common goals to get along. Especially someone like--


I struggle not to rub my ears at his usual enthusiastic voice, I turn to him, "Yeah?"

Ryosuke beamed at how causal my response was, "I've gathered the materials you asked me to find, sir!"

"Oh, that's great! Thanks for your hard work." I pat him on the shoulder while he hands me a thick stack of papers, "Also, you don't need to call me 'sir', I'm not your superior or anything."

"But sir--"

"Ryosuke." The air in the office intensifies when Yui walked through the door, "Please reconfirm the budget this month. Genpou-san, please deliver the morning meeting notes to my desk. Shizuka-san, connect a video call to the Bell Crickets in ten minutes, I promised Li Yan I'd speak with her today. Samejima, would you mind making me a cup of coffee?"

"Not at all." Samejima replied without a single complaint and turned right around to get to his task. All the other members acted the same way.

The amount of authority she's gained in such short time was unbelievable. People listened to her because she was reasonable and organized. If I couldn't hear the sound of her voice, I'd imagine it was her father speaking.

"And you." She made eye contact with me, "Come to my office in an hour."

I nodded back at her and watched her retrieving figure. Since she doesn't usually like public displays of affection, our relationship is strictly business outside of our alone time.

I went back to my own desk, then start to go through the stack of papers Ryosuke just gave me. Although I do work as a member of the Ice Dragons, I also never stopped investigating my mother's homicide. 

I finally narrowed down to a few people after these past few months, then got Ryosuke to give me full and complete information on them. After comparing these with father's old files, finding the actual culprits should be just around the corner.

There was a lot to read. Before I knew it, an hour has passed.

I knocked once on the door and then opened it without waiting for a response. I closed the door behind me then took a seat in a chair across from her. I ask, "How were they doing?"

She understood what I was getting at without any further explanation, "Better than ever, Li Yan has finally gotten some sense to actually start arming herself with judo." She closed the laptop in front of her and laced her fingers underneath her chin as she spoke to me, "What about you? Found your people yet?"

We communicated easily with neither of us being direct on any of our subjects. 

"I'm almost there." I say, mirroring her gesture, "All I need to do now is compare files."

I stare directly at the surface of her desk in front of me unblinkingly. I sense she felt the boiling rage behind my calm façade as she opened her mouth again, "When you do narrow it down, I'd like to go with you to pursue them."

I raise my head, but then one look in her eyes and I know that she's not letting me talk her out of anything. I smile a little, "Alright."


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