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Nolan's PoV

In the middle of English class, I was bored out of my mind. My gaze wandered to the classroom window, just when Miki passed by.

She thinks I don't notice her avoiding me all day?

She has art history this period, which means she's ditching right now.

I got up from my seat. Without a word, I left the classroom.

"...Asher? What're you doing here?" I got out just in time to hear her voice coming from the third-floor balcony. I arrive at the door frame and stopped in my tracks when I glanced around the opening.

Asher was hand standing again. Something must've happened with Ashton.

"I gotta go, see you around, Miki." The second he flipped over the railings of the balcony, we made eye contact. The smallest smug smirk played on his lips. He knew I was here all along. He purposely touched Miki just to get to me, didn't he?

That just pissed me off even more. Why is it that Miki would willingly sit down and talk to him but avoid me all day? The first girl I've ever really liked is avoiding me.

An indescribable sour feeling twisted in my stomach when I remember that she mistakenly took his wrist and he rubbed her cheek just to tease her.

"N-Nolan?" her expression showed more of fear than anything.

I walked towards her.

Miki's PoV

"Um...How long have you been there for..?" I hesitantly asked.

I flinched when he motioned towards me, his eyes sharper than I've ever seen him. Despite the rage burning in his eyes, his facial expression was blank.

Why is he so angry? What did I do now?

"Why were you talking with him again?" his voice was an octave lower than usual as he growled and backed me up against the railing in no time. I wasn't that stupid to get cornered so easily. I took a quick turn left and made my way towards the door.

I've never felt this afraid around anyone before, I could barely manage to speak and I have no idea what he has in mind. I didn't know him at all and who knows if he's capable of tossing me down the building for whatever reason he's upset?

All of a sudden, my back hit the wall harshly. I didn't even realize when he pounced on me.

"W-What? I just saw him here!" I wiggled around, but he doesn't even budge. I've never known how strong he is when he really wanted to be. I didn't meet his eyes as I struggled. 

As my job, I've beat up tons of security guards before, but not once have I felt the force on me I'm feeling right now from Nolan.

"Don't let other guys touch you so easily, goddammit!" He stared hard at me with those blue-grey eyes of his that seem to be duller than usual. My hands and wrists were getting white by the tight grip he has on them.

Uh, yeah! You're really one to talk right now! I used all my strength to try to pry him off, but he's even got my legs pinned right up the wall.

"L-Let go, Nolan!" My hands were starting to go numb, and the force I put to push my arms did absolutely nothing.

How the heck could he be so strong...!

"Let go!" I yelled and with one last pull, he let loose his grip. I immediately dash off towards the exit.

My heart pounded rapidly against my rib cage as I ran down the flight of stairs, not even daring to look back. I hear fast footsteps behind me, meaning Nolan must be chasing behind.

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