Ch. 7

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After Gemma seemed to be suspicious about harry and Louis, Harry has been wanting to come out to Anne, Robin, and Gemma. Ever since he told Louis about wanting to come out, Louis has been encouraging him to do so, like a the good boyfriend he is.

Since, Harry has been wanting to come out, Louis decided to be there with him when he does come out. {S/o to Angie Larry_Lashton for this idea} So once Friday rolled around, Harry called Louis and they recited how it was going to go.

"Ok, so I was thinking, I can maybe ask to talk to them separately? Or should I do it during dinner?" Harry began saying until He cut himself off by gasping "oh my goodness Louis. What if they don't except me? What if they kick me out? What if " Harry said until Louis cut him off
"Love, you're thinking about it too much."
"You're right. But I don't know how to tell them. How did you come out to you're family? If you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, I just came right out and told them. My sisters and mum already expected me to like guys, but never actually confronted me on it as they didn't want me to get defensive or get mad or anything " Harry hummed, nodding his head understandingly.
"When I told me mum, she didn't really care. She said just as long as I'm happy, she's okay with me being gay. My sisters  on the other hand, for some what reason were actually .. excited I liked guys, I assume it's girl stuff, how they think guy and guy relationships are really cute, I don't really know" Louis said as he chuckled
"Well, that's quit something" Harry laughed
"It sure is. Lottie and phoebe actually tried to find me a boyfriend, like this is the bachelor or something" Louis laughed
Harry laughed at Louis' facial expression
"Well I hope my family is like that. Well not the finding me a boyfriend part though, I already have a handsome fella right here" Harry said as he kissed Louis
Louis blushed "Stop it you're making me blush haz"
"You look so adorable when you blush though boo bear"
Louis whined at the name but smiled nonetheless "Okay haz time to get back to the real problem here, how are you gonna come out to your family? You know I'll be right there for support"
"I know. And plus, they really like you, so maybe when I tell them about our relationship, they'll probably be glad, it's you instead of someone else. "
Louis blushed at his words
"So are you doing it during dinner? Or when do you want to do it love?"
"Maybe when they come home, so I don't have to be waiting around for it"
"What are you gonna say?"
"I'll just get straight into it And tell them, all together, because if I don't, I know I'll never tell them."

Once they've finished reciting how to come out to Harry's family, they decided to just cuddle in the meantime until everyone got home. Right now it was half past six and everyone should be getting home any minute now. As if on cue, He heard Anne calling,
"Harry? Are you here love?"
Harry went downstairs to be greeted with a smiling Anne
"Hey mum, how was your day?"
"it was great sweety, thank you for asking honey. How was your day?"
"It was good" Harry replied honestly. "oh mum, I hope its okay, but louis' here also. I got lonely, so I invited him over to hang out"
"Ok baby. You know I have no problem with Louis being here, he's a nice lad, I'm glad to know you've made some friends."
"Thanks mum." Harry, hesitated before saying
"mum do you know when robin and Gems will be home?"
"They should be here in a little while, why?"
"I want to talk to you guys, about something"
"okay sweetheart, you know you can tell us anything"
And with that being said, that's when Gemma and Robin came home.
Robin kissed Anne and said hello to Harry before he left to freshen up
"Mum, can you please call me down, when everyone is situated?"
"Sure thing sweetie. Now go chill out with Louis until i call you all down. Oh tell him I said hi" Anne smiled
"Thank you mum and sure thing" With that Harry hurried upstairs to tell Louis, his mum will call them down, when everyone's ready. Anne called them down, about a half hour later.
"Are you ready love?" Louis asked, seeing how nervous his boyfriend looked
"No, but I guess it's now or never" Harry said as nervous as he's ever been in life
Louis kissed harry sweetly and squeezed his hand, to reassure him, that he will be right there, supporting him.
Harry seemed to calm down a bit, but not fully. They waited a few seconds, before going down, so Harry could recite what he was going to tell everyone
Once they got downstairs, Harry, saw them all sitting on the couch, waiting for his announcement.
Gemma was the first to speak "So baby bro, what's up?"
Harry was speechless. He had no idea how he was going to tell them, but he remembered Louis was there to support him through it
"Um, well.. I obliviously want to tell you guys something.. but just don't know how to say it.. "
"Son, you know you can tell us anything, what's going on?" Robin asked
"Um, okay, but I wanna say before I tell you guys, please don't treat me any differently, than you always have, and please don't judge me"
"We'd never judge you or treat you differently Harry, we love you" Anne said with the others agreeing
Just then, Harry turned to Louis slightly and Louis got the signal,so he went up and held Harry's hand proudly and gave it a squeeze.
Gemma and the other two gave a look of suspicion, as well as confusion to the two boys, holding hands.
"Well, .. I'm just going to get to it.. guys.. i um, I, I," Harry paused taking a deep breath and closing his eyes for what he was about to say
"I'm gay" Harry opened one eye, to see their reaction. They all had the same expression. Surprised.
"And .. Louis is my boyfriend.. " Harry said nervously.
Hiya guys! Finally An update after a billion years of no updates! 😂😩 sorry guys. Please forgive me ❤️

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