Ch. 9

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Harry's pov

I just don't understand how she could be so cruel towards me like that. I thought she loved me and cared for me, but I guess I was wrong.
"Harry. Love." Louis said to me
"Let's get to packing. I can't be here right now, I want to hurry and leave" I said, in response. As we packed, it was silent, except a few sniffles, here and there. Until a knock was heard
"Come in" I said softly. It was Gemma.
"I'm sorry baby bro, maybe give her some time yeah?" She said, hugging me.
"I guess. But I just don't understand, I mean I know it was a shock, but I never knew she frowned upon gays" I said Quietly "this is just who I am. I can't help, that I like the same sex Gemma"
"I know, honey. It's perfectly fine though, not everyone is going to support you, and you gotta understand that. I totally accept you, and I'm glad, you found someone like Louis, he's a nice little lad, with good intentions, as I can see" Gemma said looking up, at Louis smiling
"Thanks Gem, that means a lot" I said, grateful to have a big sister, like her.
"No problem, Harry. Just remember, what I told you down there, I always got you. No matter what. I love you baby bro, it's pretty unfortunate, you have to leave" Gemma said shaking her head "I'm not staying here too much longer either, I'm heading back to Uní, tomorrow. Give me a call, whenever"
"Of course" I said hugging her, tightly. She hugged back and with that, she quietly left.
"Well, most of my stuff is packed, all that's left is to say goodbye to Robin" Louis helped bring my things downstairs, and what a surprise, when I got down, My mum, was standing at the door, waiting for me to leave, all I could do was shake my head.
As, Louis and I were leaving, I went to give Robin a hug, which he returned.
"Harry, I want you to remember, what I told you son"
"Of course, Robin" I said
"Lets go, Louis" I said, grabbing a hold of his hand, not caring what, my mum thought, as she looked at us in disgust.
I saw Gemma, smile at Louis and I, as we held hands.
"Louis" Called Robin.
"Yes Sir?"
"Take care, of Harry"
"Of course, Sir" Louis, Promised. As we left out the door, with my backs, in free our hands.
"Well, now to hope, your mum and family will except our relationship" I say
"Harry, me mum and sisters, love you. Like literally LOVE you" Louis said, as he chuckled a bit.
I smiled a bit, at his words, as we got in the car, and drove to his house. It was a silent ride there. Once we got there, we left the bags in the car, until we tell, Jay what happened.
As we walked in, and the girls saw me, they instantly got happy, and super excited, running up, to hug me.
I stumbled back, as they all attacked me with hugs. I laughed and hugged them all back.
"Hello beautiful girls? How are you guys?" I asked, being polite.
"Good!!" All the girls replied at once, also mentioning how they missed me.
"You guys are so cute, I missed you all too" I smiled and noticed them blush when I said cute.
"Where's mummy?" Louis asked them
"In the kitchen" replied fizzy
We headed off to the kitchen, where we saw, Jay feeding the younger set of twins.
"Oh, hello boys!" She smiled, delighted to see us.
"Hi mum" Louis hugged her
"Hello, Jay" I said as I also hugged her.
"Harry?" She asked, as she saw, that there was something clearly wrong with me. "Are you alright, love?"
"Um, mum. Can we talk to you? It's a bit important" Louis said
"Sure, baby. Just hold on (😉) A second while, I call Lottie to clean the twins up"
"Lottie!" Yelled Jay, Lottie came in a few seconds later.
"Can you please clean up the twins, while I talk to the boys for a minute?"
"of course, mum"
Jay, led us out to the living room.
"What's going on, boys?" She asked curiously.
"Well, first I want to start off saying, Harry and I are together" Louis said linking our hands together, and holding them up to show Jay
"Aw, that's lovely boys. I'm glad, it's harry, you're such a lovely guy" She smiled, hugging us, tightly. "Congratulations, boys"
I felt myself smile. "Thank you, Jay. It's means a lot, honestly" I said.
"No problem, love" she smiled, then put her hands on ours. "Now, what's the other thing, you wanted to say?"
"Well, mom.. " Louis hesitated, before continuing. "Harry... Came out to his family & then told them about us.. his step-father and sister took it well, but .. his mum, did not.. erm, she .. kicked him out" Louis said, looking just as hurt as I am.
"Oh, honey. I'm really sorry. Come here love" Jay, said reaching out to me, with open arms. I gladly excepted her hug and hugged her back.
"You're welcome to stay with us, we don't mind" Jay told me.
"Thank you so much Jay" I said thankful, god made a women, like Jay.
"it's really no problem sweetie" she said "Now get your things. I'll arrange a sleeping order, a little later"
"Thank you Jay" I said once again.
"Thank you mum" Louis said, Grateful.
"No need to thank me boys" Jay said Sweetly.
We went to go get my things, out of louis' car & went to start unpacking in Louis' room.

Hello loves! 🙂 Thoughts on Harry, living with Louis? Leave them down below! ☺️

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