Ch 13

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Who tops? Harry or Louis? In my opinion I love Top!Harry ... Harry is honestly daddy asf, especially with his long hair 😭😍 oh & have u seen dunkirk yet or not? I haven't yet 😭😭

The next morning, The boys and Jade, got ready, Jade went to ask Lottie for an out to wear for school.

"Did you spend the night Jade?"

"Yes, that's why I need an outfit" Jade said as she chuckled

Lottie laughed "just go pick out whatever you want"

"Yay. Thank you lotts."

"No problem Jadey"

Jade picked out an outfit and went to the bathroom to change.

When she finished getting ready, she went to louis' room.

"Wow. Girls do take a long time to get ready"

"Shut up Louis" Jade said as she flicked Louis off

"Heeey!" Harry said as he did his signature pout.  Don't flick my boyfriend off"

"Yeah! Don't flick me off!" Louis said as he stuck his tongue out at Jade

"Fine. Fine. Let's just go to school" Jade said as she groaned

They headed downstairs and was greeted by Jay

"Well Goodmorning kids"
"Goodmorning mum" Louis said as he kissed jay on the cheek

"Goodmorning Jay" Harry smiled

"Goodmorning mum" Jade Smiled cheekily

"She's not your mum Jade" Louis said as he pretended to be mad

"Oh hush, Louis. She's my baby, just as much as you are Louis" Jay chuckled, as she hugged Jade.

"lol when your mum likes your best friend better than her own son"
Jade laughed loudly as she went to hug Louis "it's not my fault, I'm such a cutie, that everyone loves"

"Yeah yeah yeah." Louis said hugging her back "Shouldn't we be getting to school?"

"Oh right!" Harry said as he saw, they would be late

"Well. We will see you later mum" Louis said but paused "wait. I can call you mum still right. Since you obviously like Jade better than me" Louis said pouting
Jay laughed "Louis quit being a drama queen"

"I'm not a drama queen" Louis said dramatically throwing his arms up

"Oh. You're not? Then baby what was that?" Harry laughed

"Shut up curly"

"Don't be mean to your boyfriend" Jay and jade both said

"Yeah don't be mean to me ugly" Harry said as he 'booped' Louis' nose

Louis waited for his mum and jade to say something, but all they did was chuckle and smile

"Oh. So he can call me ugly, but I can't say shut up?"
"Pretty much, yeah" Jade shrugged her shoulders

"Keep talking and you guys won't be getting a ride to school"

"That's fine, we can walk" jade said sassily "or we can always call one of our other friends with a car"

"Um. Jade speak for yourself, I want a ride with my baby"

"Let's go guys" Louis laughed, as everyone said goodbye to jay and his siblings.

Once outside, Jade and Harry, fought over the front seat

"Shot gun!" They both called
"I said it first"

"No! I said it first!"

"He's my best friend!"

"He's my boyfriend!"

"I've known him longer!"
Louis chuckled in amusement

"I suck his dick!"
"Woah. Okay Harry, you win dude"

Harry smirked in satisfaction, as he slid in the front seat.

"You're so crazy babe" Louis laughed

"On the way back, I get the front seat!" Jade said

"Ok Jade" Harry said as he laughed

They listened to music and chatted some, in the car, while on their way to school.
When they got to school, Luke spotted them, and ran up to them.

Luke tripped on his way over.

"Hemmo. You need to be more careful man" Harry laughed

"Look who's talking" Jade said

"Daddy long legs" Louis smirked then realized, he basically called Harry, 'Daddy'

"Did you just call Harry dadd-" Luke began to ask, but was cut off by Louis

"Shut up" Louis said, as he blushed

"Look like someone's kinky"
"Oh yeah. Like you don't call Ashton daddy" Louis said

"I do, I'm just not afraid to admit like you" Luke said

"Ew" Louis said shaking his head

"I mean Ashton is daddy as fuck" Harry said

"Hey!" Louis and Luke said in unison

"I mean. Can you blame him? He is daddy as fuck!" Jade exclaimed

"I'm glad, you guys think my boyfriend is daddy as fuck, but um, let's get in the school. I wouldn't want to keep daddy waiting" Luke said smirking

"Nasty" Louis said
"Don't act like you don't have a daddy kink" Luke said as they started to walk

"Shut up" Louis said as he blushed, then pushed Luke

"He so has a daddy kink"

They all laughed as they
walked up to the others.

"Hey guys. What are you laughing at?" Ashton said, as he wrapped his arm around Luke

"How Louis has a daddy kink" Luke said

"I don't blame him. It's pretty sexy when I hear you say it baby" Ashton said

"Lalalalala" Jesy said, covering her ears

The gang laughed and continued to make fun of Louis, until the bell rang.

Louis flicked them off, as he and Harry made their way to maths.

I just wanted to make a funny, cute chapter... I'll make zayn and Perrie pop up in the next chapter 😂 who's ready for some Zerrie?? 😍 i know I am lol

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