Chapter 2

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This is one of my favorite harry videos that have to do with Larry 😍 on the side/top. Also a very cute picture of how Jade looks in the story.

Louis' POV

Once I got home I definitely had to call Jade up and tell her what happened. I didn't even have to let it ring for a long time, she picked up the phone on the second ring

"Hey Lou, what's up?"
"Jade! I've got exciting news!"
"What is it?!" She giggled
"Harry asked me for my phone number!"
"Oh Louis you sound like such a pre-teen girl" she laughed "has he texted you?"
"Shut up Jade" I rolled my eyes "No not yet"
But then I heard a beep I checked it and it was a text, informing it was Harry.
"Jade!" I yelled
"Geesh Lou! You're gonna blow my ear drums out!"
"I'm sorry! But He just texted me!"
"Aww go text back your husband and call me back later"
"Jadeeee, he's not my husband, I'm not even sure if he likes guys" I pouted
"He could like guys.. Look just go text your new boo and call me back!"
"OK bye Jadey!"
"Bye boo!"
I hung up, seeing the text Harry sent me.
"Hi, its Harry! 😎"
"Hi, Harry!"
"How are you?"
"I'm great! How are you?"
"I'm fine 😁"
"so what are you doing?"
"Oh nothing, laying down... How about you"
"I'm currently being ambushed by my sisters who are excited to see me and tell me about their day haha"
"haha awww, well text me when you're not being ambushed"
"Haha sure thing Curly 😏"
"Yeah, since you have Curly hair."
"Oh, I like it! See you later Lou"
"Bye Curly"

After we finished texting, my siblings told me about their day. Which was about a few minutes for each to tell their story. After hearing about their day, I went to make dinner since my mum or step dad both work late. As I was making dinner, a knock was heard at the door.
"I'll get it!" yelled Lottie
"Thank you!" I yelled back, just then Sophia and Liam walked in
"Oi! Payno, Sophia! Hi!" I said going up to give Sophia a kiss on the cheek and liam a hug
"Watch it Tommo!" Liam playfully said referring to me kissing his girlfriend on the cheek.
I put my hands up as if I were surrendering, like Jade did earlier
"I was just being friendly Payno...
So what brought you two here?" I asked
"Just wanted to stop by" Liam shrugged
"I haven't seen you in forever louis! We have to catch up! I miss seeing you!" Sophia said. "I agree Soph. I miss you too"
"How about we all hang out this weekend? Me, you, Li, the lads, Jade, Jesy and Leigh?" She said
"That would be wonderful, hey is it alright if I bring this guy I just met, he's really cool, he's in my maths class, his name is Harry"
"Sure! The more the better." Sophia said
"Alright Tommo well we will see you at school tomorrow, its getting kind of late" liam said
"Okay see you soph, see you Li" They said their goodbyes as they walked out
"OK dinner's ready!" I said handing everyone a plate of food"
"Tank oo!" Doris and Ernest both said causing me to coo at their adorableness.
"Aww, Your welcome guys"
The rest thanked me and we all just began to eat. After we finished eating, I had to give Ernest and Doris a bath because they got all messy from their dinner.
"Alright you two time for a bath."
They both ran to ran to the bathroom waiting for me. "okay who first?"
"Me!" Ernest squeled
"OK well Doris you can go play until in ready for you okay?
"Otay" She ran off to play in their room. While I gave Ernest his bath I put toys in so he can play a little. Once I gave both twins a bath, it was about 8 o'clock already. I decided to text Harry.
"Hey Curly :)" he texted back a few minutes later
"Hiya Louis! :)"
"So, I kind of invited you to hang out with some of my friends on Saturday .... I don't know what we're doing but yeah... Do you wanna go .. They're pretty nice"
"Sure, I'll go thanks for inviting me :)"
"No problemmmooo" We ended texting for a few more hours until we decided to go sleep and we'll see each other in the morning.

The next day, was Friday, we started school on a Thursday, which is kind of stupid but whatever. I got out of bed, did my morning rountine, and went downstairs, talked to my family, ate breakfast and left. I didn't feel like driving, so I had jade pick me up.
"Hey Jadey!"
"Hey boo"
"How did yesterday go with texting your boo?"
I blushed when she called him my boo "Jadeee" I whined "He's not boo I told you I don't even know if he's into guys" I pointed out
"Well still, how did yesterday go?"
"It went good.. Soph and liam came over yesterday and said everyone should hang out on Saturday to catch up, and I might or might've not invited Harry along and he might or might've not have said yes"
"Aww, I can't wait until you and Harry get married!" Jade said excitedly
"Jade, we're not even going out!"
"Ugh. Louis stop euty negative vibes geesh. You guys will end up going out and get married and adopt 3 kids and I will be a godmother to one of them"
"Jade" I said shaking my head and laughing
"Nothing love" I laughed again
Soon we pulled up to the school and we got out. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. On my way to my locker, I spotted Harry. I decided to yell his name.
"Harry!" He turned around and smiled big, dimples showing. He is so cute.
"Louis!" he smiled
"Hi Curly! How's your day so far?"
"Hey Lou, its going good, how's your day so far?"
"Its great!" Harry laughed as we made it to our lockers. We got our things we need & headed to Mr.Clifford's class.

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