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Guys!!! I'm going to see Harry on June 30!!! I bought my tickets last night and I swear I couldn't be any more happier!!! I'm sooooo excited!! I just can't believe I'm seeing HARRY FREAKING STYLES in a few months!! Omg! I can't wait!! I have so many great things happening in the next few months! I'm so happy, in May, I have prom . Graduation in June,

along with Harry's concert. Then going to Puerto Rico in July, with my grandma and uncles, to visit the rest of my family! Then I have a month off, then I start college, where I've been wanting to go to ever since I started filling out applications!! Omg I'm so excited! ❤️❤️ ..oh yeah my birthday is coming up before all of that 😂😂 I forgot . It's the 4th of next month! ❤️

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