~4 ⟁ talo trouble

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"Talo! Malo! Beth!" You shout at the three, but is was no use; they were already gone from your line of sight.

"Oh for the love of Din..." you curse worriedly to yourself.

Just in time to hear hoofbeats coming up from behind you. Spinning around, you come face to face with Link riding on Epona towards. Quickly the horse skids to a stop next to you, Link throwing his hand out for you to grab onto. In a quick motion, you were swung up in behind the blonde and were once again set back into chasing after the three kids.

By the time you found Beth and Malo, Talo was still nowhere to be seen. According to both children left behind, he had chased the monkey all the way across the bridge and into Faron Woods, which was now where you, Link and Epona were headed at the moment.

Talo, you deku nut! It's not safe out there; not when all you have is a stick!! You angrily and worriedly think, your grip on Link unconscionably tightening. What if he ran into a monster out there? Oh you couldn't live with yourself if that happened!

Feeling your grip tighten around his waist, Link glances over his shoulder concerned. You were never one to let emotions get the best of you, but when it came to your family, as you would put it, things could get out of control fast.

"Don't worry Y/N, we'll find him." Link reassures you, giving you a smile. You try to smile back, appreciating his concern over you.

"I hope so," you reply, leaning your head onto the Hylian's back, and watching as your view of Faron's Spring turns into rock as Epona runs through the small tunnel that leads to the wood's gate.

Link feels his face warm lightly at the feeling of you head against him; it was hard enough not to blush feeling your arms around his waist.

Reining in Epona, the three of you had made your way to the gate leading into the woods. Link hops off Epona, you following his lead in a scrambled heap. Looking into the tunnel in front of you, you could hardly make out anything at all.

"It's too dark in there Link. Even if we can see a little right now, we'll hardly see anything deeper in." You point out, casting your gave back over to the farmhand.

"You're right," Link murmurs, brooding on what to do. "We'll need a lantern or some other sort of light..."

That's when he looked over to the large opening on the left side of you. There in a clearing sat a large wooden house, with an afro haired man sitting in front of a caldron. It was none other than Coro. Talking to him for a little bit, Coro gave you both a lantern saying he would sell oil to you when you needed it. Turns out you both were right about not being able to see in the caves, as Coro explained how it wasn't safe to explore without a light even if it was daytime.

Thanking the man for the lamp, Link and you run off towards the caves once again, ready to save Talo. But before you could get through the gate, a Deku Baba jumps out, making you startle backwards before it could bite you. Quickly, Link rushed to your side, whipping out his sword and taking out the carnivorous plant with the wooden blade.

"Are you alright? You didn't get hurt did you?" Link asks, grabbing your arms to check for wounds.

"I'm fine Link, don't even have a scratch on me. It only surprised me." You reassure, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Come on, we have bigger worries than me."

While walking in the tunnel, you step on something that felt like a stick. Looking down you saw it wasn't any ordinary stick, but Talo's 'sword'. He had to have dropped it, but why?

Both you and Link give each other wary glances, before jogging farther into the dark tunnels. Your blood ran cold at all the scenarios that Talo could've faced. Along the way, the two of you fought bats and the occasional rat. Within moments, Link and yourself exit the tunnels and enter Faron Woods.

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