~9 ⟁ shadowed royalty

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Everywhere you looked the land was shrouded in twilight, black flecks raining down from the sky, disappearing before they could hit the ground. Rain was also coming down from the heavens above, smacking down onto the roofed building below. The imp on Link's back jumps off and starts to float around in the space near you, a pleased look on her face.

"Isn't this wonderful?" She asked, throwing her hands behind her head.

No it was not, in your opinion, it looked to dark and ominous for your taste. In fact, everything gave off a very... dead feeling. You watch the imp as she glided through the air as if it were water.

"The black clouds of twilight truly are magnificent today!" The imps eyes seem to glow even brighter with the dark overcast around you at her remark.

"Got a clue as to where we are?" You ask Link, glancing over to the grey wolf beside you. He only shook his head, a look of confusion thrown upon his face.

"Not at all," he replies looking around, ears moving at the slightest sound in case of danger.

The imp glided down so she was so floating in front of Link's and your face, a smirk on her face along with a mocking eyebrow raised.

"You still don't know where we are?" the imp chuckled a little, hoping back onto Link's back, earning a soft growl of protest. She then points to a tower ahead of you. "Alright, I'll tell you. But you have to take me to that tower!"

You tilted your head a little at the imps request. The tower was quite a ways away, being more isolated from the other towers of what you assumed was a castle.

"Well come on, what are you waiting for? Let's get going!"

You let out a huff at the imp, looking over to Link unsure with the idea. He just looked back at you with the same look, and shrugs his shoulders, or at least tries to anyway.

"Not like we can do anything else at the moment." He muses, and starts to walk off towards the tower with a content imp riding along.

Walking across the roof was easy at times, when all you had to look out for was the missing part of the walkway. Other times you had to catch yourself from slipping from the slick stone and plummeting to your death. But it was only when you saw something zoom across the sky above you, did you get nervous.

"H-hey Link?" You stutter, nervously eyeing the monster flying overhead just in case it decided to "visit" you as well. There were quite big, similar in appear to that of a bird with a sunken in faces and tattered wings.

Link looked behind his shoulder, his cerulean eyes clouded in worry at first from the tone of your voice, before changing in curiosity seeing you were okay.

"What is it?" He asked, fulling turning around to face you.

"Those... bird-things keep circling us... You don't think," a nervous chuckle follow your words as you try to relax yourself, "they're going to attack as do you?"

Link looks up at the twilight filled sky, glaring up at the monsters, before looking back at you with a soft look. "Not as long as I'm here."

A small smile broke out on your face, as you roll your eyes at his remark. However his cheesy liner couldn't help but put you at ease.

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