❄Holiday Special ❄

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~Late Love~

    It was snowing in Ordon, little white flakes drifting down from an equally as white sky. The sight looked like something out of a dream, while the world below looked to be something straight out of painting. With the snow gracefully landing and covering the ground in powdery layers, sparkling and glinting in the light of lanterns placed outside every door, and the bright merry colours of decorations splayed on every house.

    The air was crisp and cool, scents of forest pine stronger then ever being carried over from the forest in tiny gusts of winds. The animals were gone for the winter, hibernating in their cozy homes out of the cold. Everything seemed just perfect, the air, the scene, the mood...except there was something missing. Or more like someone.

    With a sigh, you blew out a puff of air, watching as it formed a misty shape for a few seconds, before disappearing in the wind. Snowflakes gently kissed your rosy cheeks and nose as they fell around your laying body in the snow.

    A tiny frown settled upon your face as you watched the snow fall around you. He was late, even though he promised he would show up. But it wouldn't really be a surprise if he was a no show though, Link was almost always busy with something now. That still didn't stop you from getting upset.

    It was mid-winter now, or more specifically the eve of Ordona, an Ordon exclusive holiday named after the Spirit itself as thanks for protecting the village. It was the one time of year everybody would stop working, and spend all their time together as friends and family, celebrating the end of the year, and praying for an even better next one. There was always a grand village feast, and many small, but fun, activities to do. Everyone was always there for it.

    But Link? Where was he on such an important time for Ordon? Probably off doing another knightly 'quest' issued out by the Princess.

    You couldn't help but scoff at the thought. Yes, Zelda wasn't a bad person, she wasn't prissy or imperious like you thought a she would be, but you would think she would lay off a little bit on her appointed knight, and give him a break. Especially because of the season right now, and just how important this holiday was to the village; his home.

    You suddenly sneezed as you accidentally inhaled a snowflake, and only then did you really notice how cold you felt. With another sigh, you got up from the snow covered field, dusting off your woollen tunic and tights once you stood up. Taking one last look up at the sky, you adjusted your f/c scarf and started to head back to the village, a frown still set on your face.

    It wasn't like Link to break a promise, especially one he made towards you. The Hylian sure had guts, that's for sure. You grumbled to yourself, kicking at the snow as you walked. When, and if, he showed up you would give him a piece of your mind.

    The rest of your walk was peaceful despite you feeling so cross, but eventually you found yourself smiling once more as you enjoyed the sights around you.

    Soon enough, the scent of spices, fruits, and roasted meat were met by your nose as you stepped into the village. Everything looked so festive and merry, with the lights, decorations, and joyful banter around every corner. While the adults were finishing up with the annual village banquet, the kids were off playing in the snow.

    You could feel yourself smile even more at the sight. It felt so serene, and just...perfect. With a skip to your step you headed towards the heart of the village to join the villagers. Everything just seemed to meld together after that, but even with all the marry making, you still couldn't help but think to a certain missing hero. And before you knew it, the sky had turned dark, allowing the village to glow like a star in the sky.

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