~14 ⟁ shadowing the light

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The last tears of light proved to be more difficult to find in gather; Faron Woods was filled with poisonous mist and perilous jumps that you had to make to get over it. In the end you found the rest of the tears and rescued a spirited monkey, one that looked very familiar to you.

With the vessel full, you all made your way back to the Spring where you knew the Light Spirit would be waiting. Tossing the vessel into the water, the Spirit reclaimed its light.

At once the sky cleared up, changing from the dreary orangery glow to the crisp blue you were used to. The light brushed away the shrouded clouds, allowing the warm glow of the sun dominance in the sky again. All signs of the twilight disappeared, the land having been purified of the dark twilight.

Midna hopped through the air towards the clear water of the spring, her body back to being shadowed. She crossed her arms and groaned.

"Aww, the twilight was so nice though! What's so amazing about living in a world of light anyway? Whatever, I'll see you two around!" She gave you each one last coy smile before she disappeared.

Once Midna vanished, the exact spot where the Light Spirit once was began to glow a brilliant golden light, illuminating the spring's surface. A single drop of water plopped down onto the surface, causing a golden and white sphere to rise up. A rather large animal resembling that of a monkey, began to take place around the sphere. The golden animal, patently the Light Spirit, hugged the glowing orb as if it was a life-line, its long tail curling from under the ball to over its head.

"My name is Faron." The Spirit began, its voice silky and gentle, "I am one of the four spirits of light that dwell within Hyrule. By the order of the gods, I protect this forest. O brave youths... The land is covered in twilight where people roam as spirits, you two transformed into that of a beast... That was a sign. A sign that the power of the chosen ones rest within you...and that they are awakening. Look at your form..."

Immediately you looked down at yourself. No longer were you standing on all fours, covered in fur, but standing back upright as a human. A flitter of amazement flew through you; not once did you feel the agonizing transformation like when you had been turned into a wolf. Though an inking of confusion did course through you as well. However upon turning to face Link, your eyes widen in surprise. His appearance too had changed, but more than yours.

Link stood at the shore of the spring fashioned in a dark forest green tunic and pale high collared undershirt, with a matching green Phrygian cap. A pair of leather arm braces decorated his forearms; light beige pants and dark boots dressing his bottom half, and you could swear he has chainmail tucked underneath his new shirt from how the sun would glint off of him. The sword and shield you had 'borrowed' are strapped on his back.

Self consciously you looked down at yourself and then back to him again. He looked like a proper solider. And you... well you looked like a village girl.

"The powers that you hold belonged to the hero who owned that garb long ago: The Chosen Hero of the gods and," Faron seemed to pause for a second, as if he were thinking of the proper words, "And his loyal friend of the light..."

You whipped your head back to the sprint, confusion replacing your insecureness.

"O brave youths, a dark power lies within a temple in these woods. It is a forbidden power that I had locked away with the help of the other Spirits of Light. Because of its nature, it is a power that should never be touched by a being who dwells in the light. But this world weeps beneath a mantle of shadows, and there is no choice now... You must match the power of the king of shadows. If you would seek this forbidden power, then head to the temple that lies in the forest depths..."

The spirit then began to fade away, but you couldn't let Faron just leave yet. There was still questions that needed answers! Like why you had these powers, why each spirit so far seemed so unsure of your presence. Just as you open your mouth to speak, however, Faron disappears in a shinning light.

Frozen, you could only stare at the place the golden monkey had been floating. How dare he! How dare he leave with little said, leaving you to feel empty and befuddled. At least Link had got an explanation; hero chosen by the gods, now that was a heavy title. And his clothes, his clothes had changed too! But you, what were you in this story? What destiny was set out for you by the gods? Were you just an accident? Did they get the wrong person? If so that would settle some doubt.

"We're finally back to normal..." Link's soft, disbelieving voice broke your train of thought.

Slowly you turn to face him, not even trying to fight the smile that manages to splay across your lips at the innocent sight of him checking his hands.

"Not to mention you're hero of the gods," you mumble, your voice more bitter than you had imagined it to come out. Numbingly, you turn to face the spring.

"I still can't believe it," Link breathed, before he noticed your silence. At once all wistful emotions vanished from his face. You heard the water of the spring slosh beside you before you felt a gloved hand take ahold of your chin. Eyes wide, you tense as Link turns your face to gaze at his own.

"What is it?" He asks, cerulean eyes clouded with concern. You almost let out a sorrowful laugh; no wonder the gods would have chosen him, he was as kind as they could come.

"I-it's nothing really," you stammer, suddenly feeling flustered under his gaze. Link's lips only tightened into a straight line. Then he did something that caught you completely by surprise; he pulled you into a hug.

"You're lying," he mumbles into your hair, arms tightening around you waist strongly. His warm breath caressed your ear with every word said. "Do you not trust me?"

You felt you eyes water; of course you trusted him, it was the gods that you did not. And apparently, it seemed as if the spirits were not in their favour either, or perhaps they just all enjoyed watching you run around scared.

"Wh-what am I Link? What am I doing here?" You softly cry. "I mean, you're the chosen hero! The chosen hero by the gods for Hylia's sake! And me? What am I? Your friend of light?"

A dam seemed to break inside of you; all this stress of losing Ilia, Colin, the others, transforming into a wolf, being thrown into a world you no longer recognized and being told you needed to save it, it was too much.

"None of those spirits answer me, instead they just give me more questions, and act like I wasn't supposed to be here. Maybe the gods made a mistake with me; maybe that's why I have these, these powers no one knows about... Because I'm a mistake, a mistake not even my real parents wan—"

Link harshly pulled you out of his hug, glaring straight into your eyes. The look froze you in place. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. You are not a mistake; the gods would not create, let alone chose someone as perfect as you to be called a mistake."

You felt tears begin to arise in your eyes, a warm fuzzy feeling enveloping your insides at the Hylian's words. Link's eyes softened ever so slightly, his expression taking on a calmer tone.

"I don't know why the gods chose you, and maybe the spirits don't either," Link's voice dwindled down to a whisper, "and I don't know why your parents left you. But if there is one thing I do know, it's that I would be lost without you; you are my friend of light, always there to cheer me up when I need it the most. So please, do not talk like that."

Tears now freely flowed down your cheeks, but this time a quivering smile spread out across your lips. You nod thankfully, allowing Link to wipe away your tears with his gloved hand, the other one gently rubbing your back.

Ah yes, no wonder this man before you was chosen by the gods... because without him, you too would have been lost in the dark.

"Now," you stare into Link's eyes, a silly grin spread out across his pale completion, one that made your heart stop; was he always this handsome. "Let's go get something to eat; I'm starving."

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