~12 ⟁ faron woods

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    Faron Woods was the complete opposite of what you were used to. Instead of the happy light that usually filtered down from above and around every tree, was darkness and sorrow. The air had an almost misty feel to it, glowing a soft golden colour with may have been pink as well; black specks seemed to float around in the open air around you as well.

    Midna had regained her true form and was now sitting back on top of Link, the Ordon shield and sword in his hand. Though, the shield was on her face, as if it was a mask; a mask you could not see out of. 

    "So these are weapons used in your world? How strange," Midna commented, and began to swing the sword around in the air blindly, which made sense since the shield was covering her face.

    You quickly duck before the sword could touch you, feeling a breeze flow past your ears. You could only imagine how Link copped with the actions, a loud bark followed by an even more menacing growl coming from the wolf..

    "Watch what you're doing!!" He shout, a glare plastered on his face the moment Midna stopped swinging. 

    A huff came from the imp. "Whatever..." She said and lifted the shield off of her head, tossing the sword into the ground. 

    "I'm not quite sure what you're going to be doing with these; there's no way they can slay the creatures of twilight."

    Midna waved her hand, bringing the shield and Ordon sword to rise from the ground and float towards her. "I can't possibly use these, but I'll hang onto them for you in case.... Seeing as you wanted them so bad."

   You let out a huff, but couldn't help but feel even a tad bit gracious towards the imp; those weapons may hold no use to her, however if you were to ever return into humans those things would be better than fists. Claws and teeth were the only good things about being a wolf so far, that and the senses were quite useful.

    With a snap of her fingers, the weapons disappeared in an array of black and blue squares. "Well, a promise is a promise... I trust you guys enough to help, but in exchange I need you to gather somethings  for me," Midna leaned in closer towards Link's ear, a coy look on her face.

    "Look, you don't have to worry about the details for now, but relax it's going to real easy. Trust me... But enough about that! Don't you hear it? It's the lamentation of the spirit that had its light stolen... I wonder where it may be?" Midna then let out a string of playful giggles as she sat back up, a rather large smirk on her face.

    Your ears perked up at her statement as you listened to the now very noticeable sorrowful cries of what you guess was the spirit.

    "Well, come on now! Better get going now. Don't blame me for your world's fate if you don't hurry up and find the light spirit," Midna spoke in a deadpanned voice as if she truly did not care; which she probably did not. "Come on, snap to it!"

    You rolled your eyes at the impatient tone that took place in Midna's voice. With a huff you began to walk off down the dirt path towards the only place you could think of at the moment; Faron Spring.

    Ordona was at a water source, what says the next light won't be? As you traveled through the twilight filled Faron, and neared closer to your destination, a barrier that was exactly like the one in Ordon Spring appeared, along with three of the Twilight Beasts. Once again you and Link were trapped.

    "These things are really getting on my nerves." You huffed, and ran up to one to attack, a low growl escaping your throat.

    The creature let out a nightmarish scream as you jumped onto it, the patches were you latched onto once again diminishing  of colour just like the last time. Link also began to attack one as well, leaping onto its back and lashing out at it with his teeth until it feel limp.

    Without warning, the last monster standing suddenly let out a scream, waking up the—what you thought were dead—twilight monsters.

    "Arg! What are you doing? You're absolute useless!" Complained Midna, making you growl at her. Couldn't she be nice for once? Just once!? Did she not just witness you both trying your hardest to kill these things? Would it kill her to complement you for what you've done so far, instead of complain?

    "Listen, I'm going to help you with this one! Mutt—I mean Link—" the insult didn't go unnoticed by Link however, as he glared at the imp dangerously, "—you are going to strike all of them with my help. Y/n I want you to round up all of the beasts and herd them over to us!"

    Your e/c eyes widened in shock at the mention of your name, as did Link's. Midna wanted you to lead all of these dangerous monsters—who only want to kill might I remind you—as if they were goats? This imp was out of her mind.

    "Hey! Trust me, I've got a plan; it'll wipe them all out before they can wake each other up again. Just herd them near us, and I'll take care of the rest."

    Link looked very skeptical of Midna's words, but it wasn't like you had much of a choice. Steeling you nerves, you let out a shaky sigh. You could do this, you could do this! For one last burst of courage, you look over to look at Link, receiving a sturdy nod of encouragement but even he was scared of the outcome.

     Letting out a bark, you start to run around the monsters, drawing their attention more effectively than you thought as they immediately start to pursue. You felt your hearts do summersaults; this was way too easy.

      Link grew antsy, watching you round up the tar coloured creatures, but Midna kept him in place with a tight grip on his fur that would reel him back every time he went to leap forward. Only when you suddenly sprint past the two does Midna give Link the okay to move into action.

     At once the wolf turned Hylian sprung forth, landing in the centre of all three creatures. A golden circle magically sprouts from underneath his feet, Midna's hair taking a bright glowing tone. The monsters let out a gurgle of odds sounds, only to be silenced by the unnatural and quick movement of Link racing to each, successfully landing attacks.

    Within seconds the beasts died, disintegrating and forming a strange looking portal in the sky, like what had happened in Ordon Spring. The barriers evaporate.

    "Nicely done!" Midna cheers, roughly patting the spot between your ears on your head when came to stand by Link's side, messing up your fur. You couldn't believe what you had just witnessed the duo had done.

      "What was that? It was so, so quick"! You exclaim, earning an equally confused look from Link, his lips pulled back in an almost sheepish way.

    "I'm not sure, but it was Midna's doing... whatever it was." Link tries to explain, before shaking his head. "You ready to continue?" 

    You grin. "I am if you are."

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