Bar Fight

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Severus looked to Lily. The only way he was going is if she was going as well. "I would love to go. I want to get to know you all" said Lily with a big smile on her face.

Alice beamed. "Great lets go. Everyone will be thrilled" said Alice.

She skipped off to find Frank. "You seem very happy, Alice" Frank commuted.

"Why wouldn't I be? Sure there is a war on but, we are going to hang with friends" said Alice is a very cheerful voice.

Frank shook his head. He turned to look at the three as they came up. "My wife can be very cheerful at times. She will rub off on you if you let her" Franks said.

Severus chuckled a little as did Lily. Remus held back a laugh. "We need to tell you something, Remus" said Frank. "We know what you are. Dumbledore told us but, the rest of the Order doesn't know yet."

Remus paled a little. He knew joining the Order people would have to know. "I figured as much but, why are you still here talking to me?" he asked.

Most people ran when they found out. They also would call him names. "Because it doesn't matter to us, Remus. It is not who you are but, what you become once a month. It is something that you can't help" Alice said.

Lily smirked at him. "See I told you that others would not care. Now let's go Remus" she said.

Remus smiled at Lily. "Fine, let's go" Remus said with a annoyed voice.

"We will meet you at the Leaky Cauldron" said Frank.

They had disappeared away. Severus grabbed Lily hand and they disappeared. Remus followed suit. Severus Order members were already sitting down and drinking firewhiskey. "Welcome to the Order. We do this often" said Fabian or Gideon.

Remus could not tell them apart. He sat next to him. The other twin spoke up. "Firewhiskey?"

Remus shook his head no. "I don't drink" said Remus.

The twins shook their head. The first twin that spoke said. "I am Gideon the serious one of us and that is Fabian." He pointed to his twin. "The less serious one.

Remus nodded as two women walked over. "Hi I am Mary McDonald" she said sticking out her hand "and that is Marlene McKinnon."

Remus smiled at the two women. He shook her hand as they sat. "It is nice to meet you both but, didn't we go to Hogwarts together?" Remus asked.

Mary smiled back as did Marlene. "Yes we did" she spoke as Marlene chimed in. "Didn't you date Sirius Black?"

Oh how Remus could have gone for a drink right then and there. "Yes but, we broke up" said Remus.

Mary patted his back. "Sorry to hear that" she said.

Marlene gave her a look as Mary pushed her long brown hair back. "You so like him" she whispered.

Mary blushed a little. "So what if I do?" She whispered back.

Lily walked up to them. "Hey, Mary, Marlene, it is great to see you again" she said.

Mary was giggling by now. She couldn't get over what Marlene had said. Three boys walked up to the group of four. Fabian and Gideon had got up and left the table. "Hello" Sirius said.

He was standing right in front of Remus blocking him from moving. James was standing in front of the girls as Peter looked on not sure of things. "Please leave now" Remus said turning to Sirius. "Hello, Peter."

He gave off a nervous laugh not sure what to do. Sirius smirked. "No can do. I have orders to carry out and I plan too" Sirius stated drawing his wand out.

Remus drew his wand out. James smirked as he started to fight. Sirius drew back a ways. "I have no problem fighting you, Sirius" said Remus.

Sirius shouted a spell as Remus said "Protego."

Sirius cursed under his breath as the spell was block. He tried again with no success. James was not having much luck either. "Mate we should do this the muggle way" James said.

Sirius gave him a look. "Why?" Sirius asked.

"Quicker" said James.

The women grabbed for James as Sirius went after Remus. They threw pouches at each other. "I can beat you. Your a Pureblood fighting like a muggle" Remus stated.

Sirius laughed as he hit Remus in the eye and slapped him across the face. Fabian shot a spell at Sirius which hit it's mark. "Leave now or else" he said.

The two men left as Peter stood there. He spat in Remus face. Calling out as he left. "You're a monster."

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