The Lupins House Part 1

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A/N- Here is another Chapter. Please read and review. It helps me grow as a writer. 

Minerva gave him a pointed look. "I think it's best that we wait" she started to say, but he had already disappeared.

Severus gave Lily a look as she stood up. She walked over to him. "Professor thank you for telling us, but we best get going. Please go to Dumbledore and get things sorted we can handle this" said Lily who grabbed a hold over Severus and disappeared.

She had just hoped they were not to late in getting Remus's parents' house. Severus let go of Lily and walked up the path with his wand drawn. He just hopped that they were in time and nothing happened. Lily followed Severus as he walked up the path. Her wand was out as well. "What do you think we will find?" asked Lily.

Lily had high hopes that everything would be fine, but she was not sure. "I am not sure, but I wonder why it was Black that killed your father and not Potter. You would think that he would be the one to do it" said Severus approaching the door.

She could not believe that Severus was talking about this now when they were on a mission to find Remus. "I really do not care at the moment, Severus. I just want to find Remus before something bad happens to him.

Severus gave a small grin. Lily had a point, they needed to find Remus first before they worried about that small detail. "Fine, let's head in" Severus stated.

James and Sirius had other plans then the ones they had came up with originally. They had just about given up on Peter when he came through the door. "What took you so long?" asked James moving in on Peter.

Peter moved back a bit, but he found that he could not move that far because Sirius was behind him. Sirius grabbed a hold of the back of his cloak. "What James said. You should have been back by now" said Sirius with a cold look on his face. "Unless he went to Dumbledore first" Sirius said to James.

James gave a nod of his head. "But, we both know that Peter would not do that" said James.

Peter was trying to come up with something to keep them there. Dumbledore's words were ringing in his ears. He was falling short on that front. "Please let me explain" Peter said in a shaky voice.

James nor Sirius heard him. "We should go back to the Lupins' place. I have a feeling that they will be there or at least Remus will be there" said Sirius. "If not we can finish off his parents. They we can hit up your parent's place."

Before Peter could say anything else James and Sirius appeared away with him. They made it to Lupins' parents house. "I see them up a head" said James with a smirk on his face.

Sirius pulled the two men back a little to hid behind a bush. "We should wait until they go in, then go in" said Sirius.

James gave a nod. He pushed Peter out of the way so that he could be next to Sirius. "What do you think they are doing here?" asked James.

He knew why they were here, but just wanted to make sure that it was right. He did not think that it would be this easy. "They want to check on Remus's parents of course, but where is Remus?" asked Sirius.

Peter hated to speak up, but he felt he had too, other wise they may have been on to him. "Maybe they had him stay behind. You know since he is expecting a baby. They may have wanted to make sure that the place is safe."

James and Sirius gave each other a look then turned to Peter. "That is the stupidest thing we ever heard. You know how much Remus cared for his mum. He has to be here" said Sirius and James.

They both stood up to get a better view of things. "Sorry, I forgot" said Peter.

Lily and Severus had inched their way inside the house. Lily said "Lumos" which lit up the dark room. She started walking around. "Remus knows the house so well that he did not need light" said Lily.

Severus was walking beside her. "Or he turned them out in case Black and Potter dare to show up. It will look like no one is here. He is smart" said Severus.

They heard someone crying in another room. Lily motioned to the stairs. She started towards them. "I will go up and check. There is a room in the back that you can check out" said Lily.

Severus gave her a confused looked. The crying seemed to be coming from the back and not upstairs.  He knew if they went their own ways then something was bound to happen, Severus rather be the one to check the up stairs. "Lily please go to the back, I will check up stairs. It is safer this way and you know Remus better" he said.

Lily did as she was told by walking to the back. He went up the stairs. Lily looked around the kitchen. It seemed to be clean and safe. She heard a woman crying. "Why did they do that Remus?" she asked.

Lily could hear Remus reply. "Do why mum?"

She had a feeling that Remus did not get the story out of them. It would have been nice if he had, but she was ok with it. Lily walked to the back calling out "It's just me, Remus."

Remus looked away from his mum to look at her. "Lily thank God you are here. They seem to be ok, but I have not gotten to talk" Remus said.

Lily came into the room and sank down on to the floor. She pulled Mrs. Lupin away from Remus to hold her. Mr. Lupin then stood up. He looked at his son. Right at this moment he hated his son. It was his fault that this happened. If he would never have gotten with the boy then him and his wife would have been fine. "Remus what do you think you were playing at?" He asked in a hash tone.

Remus gave his father a shocked look. He had no idea what his father was talking about. "Dad please explain" Remus said.

His father got down to his level then in his face. "You are the reason that they came by aren't you. It is your fault. All of this. If you would have never gotten with Black things would have been fine. He is after you, but you do not seem to care who gets hurt as long as your happy" said Lyall.

Remus gave his father a funny look. "Dad, I had no idea that he was like this" said Remus.

Lyall slapped his son on the face. "I have warned you about the Blacks, but you never listened as a young boy. I told you to stay away from him, but no you thought you could change him. I blame you for all of this" said Lyall.

Sirius smirked as he reviled himself. "Well it is nice to see you all again. You know Remus, your father is right. This is all your fault" said Sirius pointing his wand at him. 

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