The Meeting/Lupins

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A/N-Another chapter for you. Hope you enjoy this one.

The weekend had passed with nothing really happening. Potter and Black had big plans for Monday while Peter would be away talking to Dumbledore. Peter had spent the whole weekend worried that James or Sirius would do something, but was relieved when they did nothing. Come Monday morning Peter was in a sweat which did not go unnoticed by the other two. "Peter you have nothing to worry about. Everything is going to be fine. We have talked you through everything that he could say to you. We have also helped you with what you should say back. Now get going. James and I have stuff to go do" Sirius said in a cold voice.

Peter jumped up not wanting to stick around nor did he really care what they had in store for the day. He walked outside the house then disappeared to the gates outside Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall was there waiting for him like Dumbledore asked her too. "Hello Pettigrew. I wish that I could say that it is nice to see you again, but from what I have heard you have the Dark Mark" said Minerva walking with him back up to the castle.

He walked as well. Peter did not want to answer that because it was the truth. He just wondered how she knew about it. As far as he knew no news had reached Hogwarts, but then again he did not really know what Professor Dumbledore had shared with the other Professor about former students. "I rather not say Professor. It looks like Hogwarts is the same" said Peter as they walked up to the doors.

Minerva hid a smile. He still seemed ok, but something had changed. She could tell he was very scared and there was something  on his mind. Peter kept jumping from one foot to the other as they walked in the castle. "Peter whatever it is that you are about to do, you do not have to do it. There are other ways. We can protect you" said Minerva.

She had a bad feeling about this meeting. Dumbledore told her that Peter wanted to join the Order, but Minerva saw right through it. Voldemort was using Peter to get information on the Order or Black and Potter were. "Professor please stay out of this. The more you get involved the more you will get hurt" said Peter.

Professor McGonagall was taken back. She had always been so hard on him so she wondered why he would look out for her. "I can handle things myself thank you" said Minerva. She walked up the steps to the seventh floor then gave Peter a pat on the arm. "This is where I leave you. Good day, Peter. Just know this, I will be looking out for you."

Minerva swept away while Peter walked up the stone steps. He started to sweat more as he got up there. There was a lot riding on this meeting. Peter needed to gain Dumbledore's full trust in order to do his job, but Peter was scared. He knew he was being used and he didn't like it one bit. Peter knocked on the door knowing what he was going to do. "Enter Mr. Pettigrew" said Dumbledore.

He had a big smile on his face as Peter came in the room. Peter took a seat at the desk. "I think you Professor for meeting with me" said Peter.

Dumbledore smiled a little more. He was glad to take the time out of his day to meet with him. Albus was not fooled at all. He knew why Peter was here. What ever answers Peter gave today would decide what Dumbledore was going to do. "Mr. Pettigrew would you like a lemon drop?" asked Dumbledore. Peter nodded his head no. Dumbledore carried on. "So you want to join the Order I hear." Peter gave a small nod. "Last I heard you were working for Voldemort" Dumbledore stated.

Peter gave another nod. "I was sir. It got to be too much for me. Plus I was being pushed around by Black and Potter" said Peter.

Dumbledore frowned. He figured that Black and Potter would still be doing that stuff. They hadn't really grown up at all. He knew which path they would take. Now Dumbledore knew what he had to do. Reach out to the young boy. "So you are here to spy on the Order, but not by your own choice" Dumbledore said. Once again Peter gave a nod. He would not give much away, but he could tell somethings. Peter shifted in his seat. "Peter I am only going to say this once, it is up to you what you do. You can continue to be a pawn and play their games or stand up for yourself. The choice is yours. I will allow you to join the Order once you have given me a clear answer" Dumbledore finished.

Peter hung his head. He wasn't going to be allowed to join unless he switched sides. Peter knew that he couldn't fool the old man, but he could by himself sometime. "I need sometime to think it over, Professor. It is a lot to take in" said Peter.

Albus gave a nod. He could understand that plus Peter would want to think about what he said in full. "You may go back to them and tell them I said you could join in due curse, but that I needed proof that you had changed. I would like to see you back here in two weeks. That is all I can give you Peter" said Albus standing up which Peter did as well.

"Thank you Professor. I will come back in two weeks with answer" Peter said.

He should have just told Dumbledore everything right there, but once again Peter was being a coward and could not. Peter left the room with Dumbledore telling him "goodbye."

James smirked as they walked up the path to the house they planned to visit. This was not a social call nor were they sent here by Voldemort. This was personal. Sirius needed to know where Remus was hiding so he could go find him. "Can you believe the mutt brought us here" said Sirius. James gave a nod. He agreed. "Like we really wanted to meet his parents at all. I am just glad that he did now. I bet they know where the three of them are."

James gave another nod. "I bet so too" said James knocking on the door. 

A older woman answered the door. She has a smile on her face. "It is nice to see you boys again" said Hope.

James and Sirius snickered. So Remus had not told them anything. He kept them in the dark to keep them safe, but they were bound to know something. Sirius drew his wand then pointed it in her face. "You are going to let us in now, Mrs. Lupin. We need to talk" said Sirius.

She moved to the side to let them in. Hope was very scared now. James smirked as he walked towards the kitchen. "Mr. Lupin please come out, we would love to talk to you" said James entering the Kitchen.

A few moments later he came back with him. James shoved him to the couch where Hope was now sitting. Sirius had his wand pointed at her as James pointed his at Lyall. "If you do what we say and answer our questions then no one has to get hurt" said Sirius.

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