Untitled Part 17

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A/N- Thanks for reading, fav, and following my story. It means a lot to me. Once again Jk Rowling owns all not me. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the long wait. I had a college research paper due that I kept putting off, but I just finished it so back to updates sooner I hope. Thanks for sticking it out.

Severus took the paper back from Lily. "I think we should go find out what is going on" Severus said.

Lily grabbed her plate as she stood up, then walked it over to the sink. "While, I think that is a great idea, Severus. I had something else in mind. I was thinking I could take Hope back to her place to get some stuff. Remus and you could go though. It might be to much for Hope. You can tell us all about it when you get back" said Lily.

Hope gave Lily a smile. She wasn't feeling up to going to the hearing. It would be too much and Hope knew that she would not be able to handle it at all. "I like that Lily. Thank you" Hope said.

Remus gave a nod as he got up. As much as he didn't want to be anywhere near Black, he wanted to go see what happened to him. "What do you say, Severus?" He asked.

Severus stood up as well. He thought it was a great idea. There was some stuff that he wanted to do afterwards anyways. So it would be killing to birds with one stone. "Sure, we should get a move on it if we are going" Severus stated.

Remus and him grabbed their coats then left the building. They decided to appear there. It would be quicker and less hassle. Severus went over to the booth with Remus. As soon as they went through they headed to the court rooms after handing their wands over. "What do you think is going to happen?" asked Remus.

He was a little worried about what was going to happen. Black and Potter could get off. They were smart enough to get out of this. Severus and Remus walked to the lifts. "I think they are going to get what is coming to them. There is no way to get out of this at all" Severus said as the lift opened.

They stepped on then went down. The whole way there were quiet thinking about what was going to happen. They entered the courtroom and took a seat in the back. "Black and Potter you are here today to be tried for the crimes you have done. You will remain quiet as we try you. Do you understand?" said Crouch.

He did not look thrilled to be there and wanted to get this over as soon as possible. Crouch was all for sending them straight to Azkaban. Black and Potter nodded which made Severus and Remus to look at them. "Like they can keep their mouths shut" said Severus.

Remus gave a nod. Alastor sank into the seat next to Remus. "Here is how things are going to work. They will be tried and sent to Azkaban, but if they get out then they will be killed. I hardly think they will get out" said Alastor.

Severus spoke up then. "Remus shouldn't you tell Alastor their secret just so they can't get out."

Alastor looked between the two of them. "Is there something that I need to know" said Alastor.

Remus gave another nod. "Black can turn into a dog while Potter can turn into a stag. They did it to help me or so I thought. Maybe they just used that as a coy so that they could use it later" said Remus.

Alastor groaned a little. "Thanks for telling me. We will make sure they can't use that to get out. I best go warn Crouch" said Alastor standing up.

He hurried down the steps and over to Crouch. Alastor then bent down and whispered into his ear. Crouch gave a small nod. "I have just learned that you two can turn into animals and are not on the list. You will do life in Azkaban for sure now" said Crouch.

People were talking all over now. Fudge stood up and left the court room. He knew that he wasn't needed right now. Dumbledore stood up to speak. "I have it on record that you also went to several muggles houses and killed two family. Plus a couple of single people."

He sat back down. Crouch turned to look at him. It wasn't in his file at all. "When did you learn of this Dumbledore?" Crouch asked.

Dumbledore gave Crouch a pointed look. When was Crouch concerned with stuff like this? "I just found out not to long ago. I had to make sure it was the truth before I said anything" said Dumbledore to Crouch who gave a nod.

"Very well then. You both will be going to Azkaban. Any last words before I send you off? Crouch asked.

Potter shook his head. He wasn't in the mood to talk at all. Black tried to stand up, but forgot that he was chained to the chair. "I have plenty to say. We are doing what we see is best. Black and I are doing what Voldemort wants us to do by making the Wizarding world pure and whole which it is not" Sirius said.

Crouch shook his head then pointed at the guards who took the two away. "You all may go now" said Crouch.

Severus and Remus left. Meanwhile at the Lupin's house Lily was helping Hope pack. They were in her room. Hope found some books and sat down to go through them. "Lily come take a look at these" said Hope.

She thought Lily might like them. Lily came over and sat on the bed. "Is that Remus?" She asked.

Hope gave a nod. Lily was staring at a young Remus Lupin. The picture said age 4. "He was so happy back then. I had just cut his hair and it was before he was turned. Remus was such a sweet little boy" said Hope.

Lily gave a nod as she turned the page. It showed Remus growing up. Lily smiled as she continued to look at the pictures. "We should really get ready to go. The boys should be back soon and I really want to know what is going on" said Lily standing up.

Hope smiled as she got up. "I just need to get a few more things then I will be ready to go" said Hope.

Lily gave a nod as she walked towards the door. She opened the door then walked out. She quickly shut it behind her so that Hope could have her space. Lily then went down to the kitchen. Hope started to cry. She was going to miss this place very much, but she knew it was time to move on. Hope grabbed her stuff then went down the stairs. "I am ready to go, Lily" said Hope.

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