The Truth

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A/N-Here is another chapter. Hope you like it. Please read and review. 

The first order of business for Albus was to head over to the Evans home. He wanted to check out that place first and see what he could do. Albus took hold of Peter and they disappeared to the Evans house hold. Peter looked up to the house. It did not really look any different then when he left it. He was sure that Black and Potter would have wanted to leave their mark on it, but then again they weren't fully Death Eaters yet. "Lead me in Peter" Albus spoke in a soft calm voice.

Albus knew going in that, it was going to bad from what Peter had told him. He stepped inside the house, but once again everything was in place. It made Albus a little sick to think that they did not trash the place, but left it nice and tidy to make a point. Peter spoke up. "Mrs. Evans is in the kitchen while, I think her husband is in one of the other rooms."

Albus gave a nod as he walked into the kitchen. He found Mrs. Evans laying on the floor. She looked very scared and Albus did not blame her one bit. "I am not here to harm you Mrs. Evans. I came to take you back with us. We will be going to your daughter soon as I go check on your husband" said Albus.

She sat up a bit. Her whole body was shaking. "Is he dead?" She asked even though she knew the answer to that. 

Peter gave her a nod, but she turned away from him. She knew he was one of the ones here. Mrs. Evans thought he had looked scared at the time but, she could not be sure. "I will check on that, but I am afraid that it is true if Peter here is right" said Albus. He gave her a nod as he started to leave the room. "Stay with her Peter until I get back."

Peter did as he was told. Mrs. Evans was very causation of him. Peter did not blame her one bit. Albus walked down the hall into a bedroom. He saw Mr. Evans laying there, but it was plain to see that he was dead. Mr. Evans had not moved for a while. With a wave of his wand Albus lifted Mr. Evans up, then walked back to the kitchen. "So he is dead" she said letting out a cry. 

"I am afraid so. It was the killing  curse. Quick and painless. We best get a move on it before they get back" said Albus. 

Mrs. Evans gave a nod as she stood up. "What happens now?" Asked Mrs. Evans in a shaky voice. 

Albus turned to look at Peter who looked scared. He knew what Albus was going to ask of him. "Go back to Sirius and James. Make it seem as you did not come to me first. I will go by the Lupins to check on them. You will tell Black and Potter that a time and place will be sat up to meet with them. If they ask say that Severus requested it. They should not ask anymore questions. Mrs. Evans you will come with me until we can figure out what to do" Albus stated.

Peter did not wish to go back to the flat, but knew he had no choice. He just hopped that Albus plan worked out. "I will do that and I will try to keep them from doing anything else" said Peter as he slipped away.

Meanwhile Professor McGonagall made it to the house. She walked up the path. It was plain to see hardly anyone lived here, but to someone without a keen eye it might not look that way. Lily was out back in the garden, that she had built. It was the only real way to make it look like someone was living here each day. She heard a noise and looked to see Professor McGonagall standing there. "Hello Professor, what can I do you for?" Asked Lily with a smile on her face.

Minerva frowned. "This is not a social call, I am afraid, Lily. I came here on business. Is Severus and Remus around?" She asked.

Lily stood up to look her Professor in the eye. She wondered what this was about. "Remus is inside taking a nap and Severus is working on a potion. We can head in" said Lily motioning to the back door.

Minerva walked in and noticed the smell coming from the basement. She turned up her nose at the smell. "I see, Miss Evans. Could you please get them? They need to be here for this as well" said Minerva.

'Well, at any rate Remus needs to be here. Severus will just be here to help keep them calm' thought Minerva. Lily started towards the basement steps when Remus came into view. "Hello, Professor McGonagall" said Remus.

He took a seat at the counter. She noticed that he still looked tired after his nap. Minerva did not offer a hello nor a smile. She was waiting on Severus so she could give them the news. Lily gave Remus as smile as she went down to get Severus. "Severus" she called out.

Severus looked up from the Potion that he was brewing. He really did not want to stop, but knew it must be important. "Yes, Lily?" He asked.

"Professor McGonagall is hear and would like to see us" said Lily. 

Severus cleared away the Potion then walked up the stairs with Lily in front of him. He gave the Professor a nod as well as Remus who now was eating some eggs with bacon. "Good you are here, Severus. I may as well get this over with" she stated to them.

Severus took a seat. "What have you stopped by for Professor McGonagall?" asked Severus.

Minerva gave each of them a look. This was going to be hard. She sank into the nearest chair. "Lily you may want to sit for this" said Minerva. Lily went to the table and sat. Severus on the other hand, stood leaning against the wall. "Albus, was just given some news today which he went to check out. It appears that sometime this week, the Lupins along with the Evans were attacked by Mr. Black and Mr. Potter. He went to check it out. As far as we know the only one dead is Mr. Evans, but we will know more as Albus finds out more" said Minerva.

Lily broke down in tears. Her father was dead at the hands of those two a-wholes. She was going to kill them herself if she got the chance. Remus paled wondering what happened to his parents. He was more worried about his mum more than anything. "When can we go see them?" asked Severus hoping it would be soon. 

Minerva gave Severus a look. She liked the fact that he wanted to get a move on it, but Albus did not say if they should go or not. He only told her to come tell them. "I would love to take you all there, but it might not be for the best" said Minerva. 

Remus stood up having finished his food. He took his plate to the sink then turned to face Minerva. "I would like to go see my parents" he stated walking over to get his coat. 

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