Chapter 3: First Day

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The loud noise that erupted from my roommates conversation woke me. I was not used to this, the sun beat through the blinds and the noise they were making was driving me insane.

"Get up Rosalie, you'll be late of you don't." A lock of red hair fell into my mouth, I shoved the head away from me, I glared up at the bright girl in front of me.

"Ah, sleeping beauty has risen." The girl, Maddy, was muggle-born and brilliant, she knew muggle stuff and wizard stuff, it was amazing.

They grabbed my ankles and pulled me so I was about halfway off of the bed, I groaned at the girl that were laughing at me.

"Come on darling, get ready." A blonde head peaked in,

"I thought they didn't allow boys into the girls dormitory?" I said groggily as Alex and Noah appeared in front of me.

"Yeah but a few Ravenclaws broke it a few generations ago." Noah shrugged as he sat at the end of the bed,

"Well get out, I have to get ready." I pointed them at the door,

They stood and left, the girl remained as I began to change, too tired to care if they saw anything.

I tugged my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my wand.

"Alright people, I'm awake and ready." I called out to the boys outside of the door.


Noah, Alex, and I walked into the hall a little late. Noah and Alex had needed to pee, so we had to turn around.

"Next time, you better go sooner." I glared at the two boys beside me, they were the reason I was late.

"Jeez, I tried to go as fast as I could." Noah tried to lighten the mood, it wasn't working. I stormed away into the great hall.

I looked around for Neville, I hadn't seen the boy since right after the sorting, I wanted to see how he was doing in Gryffindor.

"Has anybody seen Neville Longbottom?" I tapped the shoulder of the first Gryffindor I saw, the girl shook her head at the question.

"Oh, well, I'm Rosalie, tell him that I was looking for him, please." I smiled at the girl as I turned to go to my table,

"Rosalie!" Neville's cry rang through the hall as I turned to greet him. The boy ran at me full speed, he seemed to have woken up in a good mood today.

"Good morning, Neville." I laughed at the boys excitement,

"I take it you're well." I gently shake him off of me giggling at his behavior.

"No, quite the opposite really, I don't have anybody to talk to yet, It's awful." He sighed dramatically as he collapsed back into my arms.

"Are you sure that you weren't supposed to be in Gryffindor?" He looked at me again, before sighing,

"Of course not, you're too smart." I placed my hand over his mouth to stop him from talking anymore.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and made Neville sit.

"This is Neville, Neville this is Harry, be friends." I walked away from the table and took a seat between Noah and Alex,

"Were you having fun babysitting, Longbottom? Noah and Alex sniggered as the turned to look at him.

"Shut up, he's my friend, and he's much kinder than you two." I quit talking to them after that, vouching to just fill my plate with food.

"Come on Rosalie, it was a joke." They poked me a bit, before I shrugged them off harshly,

"Stop picking on him, he's done nothing to you guys or anyone else." I whispered loudly at them, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Alright, we're sorry, Rose." They looked down at their plates like scolded children.

The rest of breakfast continued with them throwing about jokes and flinging food at each other.

The noise filled hall was packed to the brim with people, wizards and witches. People sat everywhere, the long tables extended for what looked like miles.

I turned to look at Neville and check on him, I turned to see him chatting with Harry with a smile on both of their faces. Neville had made a friend finally.

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