Chapter 13: Adventure

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Rosalie's Point of View

Rosalie woke up with what felt like a troll sitting on her legs, she could barely even feel them and as she shuffled out of her bed she nearly fell to the floor.

"Merlin, today is going to be a bit rough." Rosalie mumbled to herself as she walked down the hall to the showers, after dressing in her robes she pulled her hair into a ponytail to keep it out of her face, when brewing potions your hair didn't need to be anywhere in sight, but the auburn strands had a different idea, long pieces hung around her face and around her neck. She was used to it, the only person who could ever tame her hair was her mother, with mountains of Sleekeazy's hair potion and wizard sculpting gel Rosalie's hair could be placed into a slick Pines worthy style.

"Why are you awake so early?" Maddy asked, it was nearly two hours before they needed to even think about getting up.

"Adventure." With that Rosalie slipped out of the dorm, down the hall, and into the common room. She went on these adventures frequently and enjoyed the alone time, it gave her time to think about everything, not that there was much but there was something.

She slid out of the door and down the stairs, once she was in the corridor she looked both ways and then made her way down the corridor and out the archway. The frost bit at her nose and ears, she took a deep breath of the icy air and made her way across the courtyard.

"What are you doing out here?" She whipped her head around quickly, she hadn't expected anybody to be awake much less outside. But the voice was one that belonged to a student, when she turned she saw yellow and black robes, a Hufflepuff.

"Adventure." She recognized the boy as Cedric Diggory a third year Hufflepuff, she had seen him around of course, everyone had seem Cedric Diggory around.

"This early?" Cedric knew who the younger girl was, Rosalie was one of the friendliest non-Hufflepuffs at Hogwarts, she was one of the friendliest kids in general, always smiling and greeting knew people like she had known them for years.

"Yes, why are you out here?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"Adventure." He mocked the girls vague answer with a smile on his face, Rosalie rolled her eyes before turning back towards her path, she wanted to go explore a meadow she had seen in a book a few months back.

"Would you like to join me?" Cedric decided that making friends with the younger girl wouldn't hurt anybody and besides, if she got hurt he would feel guilty, plus he couldn't turn down a good adventure.

"So Pines, how often do you do this?"

"So Diggory, do you ask this many questions all the time?" Rosalie didn't have a problem answering his questions honestly, she just wanted to pick at him.

"Quite often actually, I enjoy asking them, now where are we going?" Rosalie sighed dramatically, she found that she enjoyed his company though.

"A meadow I read about." They continued the walk with Cedric asking too many questions in Rosalie's opinion and Rosalie shushing him occasionally.

They arrived in a large clearing, the grass was a deep green even in the middle of winter, it looked fluffy and was dusted with wildflowers. The snow on the trees seemed to avoid the clearing and she heard Cedric take a gasp.

"This place is beautiful." Rosalie couldn't help herself she took off her socks and shoes and took off across the field, the grass cushioned her soles and tickled between her toes. Cedric followed after her, this was a very successful adventure if you asked either one of them.

"Now how do we get back into the castle with nobody noticing?"

"Good question Diggory, but I do not have an answer."


Rosalie's Point of View

"Ms. Pines and Mr. Diggory, I would ask what you two were doing but i'm afraid of the answer-" Professor Mcgonagall began,

"Adventuring." Rosalie cut her off with a wide smile on her face, her eyes were so bright Mcgonagall couldn't punish them, they hadn't been hurt and had gotten back to the castle in time to get to class on time.

"Next time you think about adventuring please do it somewhere nearby, like the Herbology gardens, yes?" The two nodded their heads quickly before scurrying away.

"I thought she would give us detentions for that." Cedric was worried about that much, his father would be so disappointed in him, he wouldn't have been able to look him in the eyes all Holiday break.

"I would have taken the blame, it was my idea." Rosalie shrugged her shoulders, "I would have said that I blackmailed you into it."

Rosalie could tell that he was worried when Mcgonagall caught them, she had already begun to create a story about how she had told Cedric that she would tell everyone that he still wet the bed if he didn't come with her. She knew that her parents wouldn't be too upset with her if she got a detention, they might ask her why and frown at her but she could handle that.

"Thanks Rosalie, you're pretty cool for a kid." She rolled her eyes at him as she entered the Transfiguration room, she was early and Mcgonagall hadn't even arrived yet but she still sat at her desk and prepared her quill and parchment.

"Nice to see you Ms. Pines." Mcgonagall smiled at the girl, she reminded her so much of Lily Potter it hurt. The smile on the girls face was so bright and clear it lit up the entire room, she was so young and bright, she was easily one of Mcgonagall's favorite students.

"The same to you professor Mcgonagall." The classroom began to fill with students shortly after and Neville took the seat next to Rosalie, and Mcgonagall began teaching a lesson about the transfiguration of a stick into a ribbon.

Rosalie took notes, her neat handwriting amazed Neville, the perfect cursive loops and neat spacing of each word entranced Neville. She sectioned everything out and labelled each category, everything looked perfect.

"Ms. Pines, do you know why most witches and wizards struggle to transfigure stationary objects?" Mcgonagall asked the bright girl,

"Because they aren't completely focused, and their wands aren't pointed directly at the object." Rosalie had heard her mention it a few minutes before and had even written it down, she read over the notes and then nodded her head satisfied with the answer she had given.

"That is correct, thank you."

"You're welcome professor." She smiled a huge smile at the woman who tried to hide her small smile by turning her back to write on the board.

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