Chapter 10: Alexandrine Pines

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Alexandrine's Point of View

The house elves were sliding around my home silently, their small conversations filled the halls with soft noise.

The sun was covered with a layer of gray clouds and rain was drizzling from above, my home sounded empty without the constant chattering of house guest and children. I had spent my entire day writing letters to my children, they were so largely missed It was all I could do to contact them until Holiday break started.

"What are you up to, love?" The deep, gravelly voice of my husband sounded from behind me and I melted all the same as I had years ago. The love in my heart would never leave this man, no matter what he did, he was mine and I was his.

"I'm writing the children," I leaned to face him as he peered over my shoulder, his hands resting on the small curve of my back,

"Lovely, though I must distract you for a bit, take a walk?" He grabbed my hand and gently tugged my out of the chair I had been seated in.

He led my through the house and into the garden we had taken walks in for years, the garden had been covered by the house elves and remained completely untouched by the weather around it.

"As you know, I've been speaking with Lucius about the return of Voldemort, He wishes for us to join him as I did when I was younger, but at the time all I knew was the racism that had been exposed to from the day I was born," He paused to look at me, my mind was completely calm, I was sure of what I was and wasn't going to do, "My love, I wish for us to be safe, I don't care what I have to do, I care that nobody with Pines blood flowing through them is harmed, and I don't know where that will lead us, but I know that I will keep you all safe." He took my hands and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Archard, you know that I would rip apart anybody that tries to harm any of us, this is going to be a war, and wars are dangerous, we need to be on the right side, and the right side isn't always going to be the clearest," our fingers intertwined and our breaths mixed, but this wasn't something I could just put aside, this was soon, this was here. "It's time to pick a side, my love."

Rosalie's Point of View

I chased after Noah and Alex through the large corridors nearing the library, they had taken my shoes and wouldn't give them back, it wasn't that I didn't have any other shoes, it was just today was a Saturday which meant that I could wear what ever I wanted, and I happened to want to wear those particular shoes.

"Over here Noah," Alex turned swiftly into the boys restrooms and stood there smirking at me, I was completely and utterly pissed,

"Give me back my bloody shoes!" I nearly screeched at them, I just wanted my shoes back so I could go outside, that's all really. I stomped my foot when they wouldn't give it back they instead just stood there laughing and making gestures at how angry I was.

Before I could get any angrier I stormed away from the two idiots that I had mistakenly made friends with, they were truly aggravating.

I didn't know where I was going until I got to the library, I didn't know where I was going but the Library sounded nice enough. It was warm as it usually was around this time of the year, the large fireplace warmed the entire area and the books were piled up to the ceiling but there was only one book I was interested in reading, fantastic beast and where to find them, although I've read it nearly twenty times in my lifetime, it was still my go to book.

I explored a bit before settling down in a large chair and pulling out my book, before I could even open it all the way someone was talking to me.

"Hey Rosie." Draco stood peering around the corner at me, large teeth on full display and a beaming smile, he was absolutely beautiful.

"Hi Dro." It was a nickname I had come to call him when we were much younger and I couldn't really pronounce his name completely, it had stuck.

He looked at he spot next to me and back at me, this was him asking for permission to sit next to me, I nodded at him before sliding over and making a bit more space for him to sit. The chair was large and warm, the fireplace heated it nearly the entire winter and though it was worn, it wasn't smelly.

"I thought you would be here today, I had asked Noah and Alex but all they did was shrug and ask me to tell you that your shoes were in you room." Draco wiggled a bit and then sunk down into the chair, then he laid his head on my shoulder and pulled the blanket onto himself.

"Yeah," I wiggled my toes at him, "they took my shoes this morning." He laughed a bit before looking down at the book in my hands.

"You're in love with Newt Scamander aren't you?" He raised an eyebrow at me, jabbing my in the side with his elbow.

"I am not, I'm just fascinated by his writing," I rolled my eyes at Draco's questioning glance, "he's nearly a hundred years my senior, that's gross."

"Whatever Rosie." I rolled my eyes at him, but leaned into him a bit and began reading aloud to him, I whispered the words but I could tell he liked the book too.

"This book is stupid, and you're stupid too." He yawned as he drifted off against my shoulder, I closed the book, and let my head fall against his head as I took a short nap.

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