Chapter 8: Potions

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Rosalie's Point of View

Neville and I walked through the corridor and down the stairs to the dungeons quietly, potions was clearly a sensitive subject for the boy and I didn't want to bring anything up that might upset him.

"Hey, um Ro," Neville looked kind of sheepish as he avoided looking into my eyes, "I think that um, Snape said something about us getting assigned seats, and I just wanted to make sure you would be alright if I was sitting somewhere else other than beside you?" He spoke so quickly I could barely make out what he had said, but based on what I heard it was more about hurting my feelings and not his.

"No Nev, I don't mind at all." I smiled at the boy as he seemingly deflated in relief, I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, before entering the classroom.

The classroom was dark and smelled funny but not awful, it was something that I would grow used to. I spotted Professor Snape seated at his desk flipping through a spell book as he glanced down a cauldron ever so often.

"Good morning Professor." I smiled softly at the black hair man, I had seen him before at family gathering and various meetings. I drew in closer to him, my shoes clicked across the floor and studied his wrinkled face.

"Good morning, Rosalie." He glanced up at me and gave a head nod, he was friendly enough and would sometimes cover for Draco and I when he would catch us sneaking off.

"Your seat is on the third row at the second table from the center on the right, your partner is Hermione Granger." He pointed me to the seat as more students filed into the classroom.

"HERMIONE!" I waved my hands in an attempt to get her attention, I then gestured her over to me, she was about as smart as I was and enjoyed learning as much as I did.

She turned and sent me a small smile, she was clearly very suspicious of my heritage.

"Come on, I don't bite, Snape told me that I sit next to you." I offered her a small smile, and giggled a bit at the face she made.

"Well, Hello I guess," she sat down stiffly next to me side eying me.

If she was going to act like that, then I could show her the true Pines, there was a reason my family was feared.

I turned my nose up to the front and glared over in her direction briefly. She had crossed the wrong person, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, my family was there and proud.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class," Sna- Professor Snape glared around the room, "and I doubt most of you will appreciate the subtle science that is potion making, but for those of you that do," he paused again to send a pointed look over to Draco, and then to my surprise at me, "this class may be rather enjoyable." He glowered around at us and then turned to sit at his desk, I turned to look at Neville who had sat down in his assigned seat a few minutes after I had, he was seated next to a Gryffindor girl that seemed to hate this class almost as much as he did, they would get along well.

The class pushed by quickly and before I knew it, it was time to go but only after professor Snape had picked on Harry for not paying attention to the lessons, honesty I didn't care much, I was here to learn and I understand that Harry was trying to take notes but he'll get along.

"Professor, do you mind if I ask you a favor?" I stood in front of his desk with my hands placed on my hips.

"What is it child?" He brooded sadly barely looking at me at all,

"I was wondering if you might mentor me, I already know most of the first year curricular, and I wanted to know more about, everything?" I leaned in and fluttered my eyelashes at the man, I knew this make him crack as it had gotten Draco and I out of quite a few situations.

"I suppose I could squeeze you in, but you would have to ask Flitwick about getting a pass of course, as it would have to be after hours." He finally looked up at me and I swear I saw him take in a breath, his lips moved but I couldn't hear what he had said, I mustn't have been too important.

"Thank you so much Professor!" I made my way around his desk quickly and pulled him into a tight hug before letting go and sprinting across the room so I wouldn't be late for charms.

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