Chapter 14: Homecoming

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Rosalie's Point of View

The train station was full once again, but this time Rosalie didn't have her mother holding her hand it was exciting. 

"Hey Ro!" Neville power walked a little bit to catch up with the girl, she greeted him with a bright smile, she was happy to see the boy before they boarded the train, Neville would probably be sitting with Harry or Dean and Seamus. 

"Hey Nev, are you ready to get home?" Neville was excited to get back to school in all honesty, he would enjoy the holidays but the time between them would be horrible, he would be bored out of his mind.

"Not really, no" Rosalie shook her head as they boarded the train, as they boarded she turned and kissed Neville on the cheek and then turned around to find a seat on the train before it got too full.

"I'll write you as often as I can, I'll miss you Nev." She couldn't see the boy blush as she walked around the train trying to find a seat, Neville wandered until he found Hermione Granger and sat down with a daze.

Rosalie found an empty compartment and pulled out a book to read until someone joined her. She had long since finished fantastic beast and was now reading a book on astrology, she bookmarked the pages about her zodiac sign, and then she bookmarked the pages about Cedric.

"Move over kid." Cedric's head popped into the doorway with a big smile on his face, his hair was in it's usual messy style and his yellow and black scarf was twisted messily around his neck. 

"No thank you." Rosalie bit back, Cedric rolled his eyes and slid into the compartment anyway. 

"What are you reading?" Cedric tried to peer into her book but she snatched it away and knocked him on the shoulder with it, if she thought that Noah and Alex were bad Cedric was awful.

"None of your business," Rosalie had honestly hoped that Cedric would be too ashamed to speak with a first year in front of other people but that definitely wasn't the case. "What have we talked about with the questions." She cut her eyes at the boy who smiled at her acting like he hadn't detected the poison in her voice.

"Are you ready to get home?" 


"Why are you reading that?" 

"Because I can." 

"Can I hold a galleon, i'd like to buy something off the trolley."

"Use your own galleons."

"Yours are prettier."

"My foot going into your face would be prettier." 

"I've only asked like five since we've been sitting here." Cedric laughed at the expression on her face, the girls face almost matched her hair.

"Will you please shut up?" Rosalie opened her book and continued to read, until Cedric began nudging her with his foot. Rosalie took a deep breath, they had only been on the train for an hour and Cedric had already made her want to snap his neck. 

"Rosie, you're kind of boring, you know that right." Cedric laughed as the girl began slapping him with the book in her hands, the hits didn't really hurt and she was giving him some attention now.

"You're insufferable, Diggory." Rosalie sighed as she closed the book and stared at the boy across from her. She really wanted to rip his head off of his shoulders, he asked too many questions and never shut up.

"As are you, Rosie." Rosalie dove onto him again.


Rosalie's Point of View

Rosalie was shaking in her seat as the train pulled into Kings cross station, she was so close to home she could barely breathe, she had missed her mother and father dearly, but even more so she had missed her brother and sister. The two were quite annoying sometimes but they were  her best friends. Her brother was thirteen and attended Durmstrang Institute and her sister was ten and would be attending Hogwarts with her next year. The Pines siblings were close and by close she meant that they had all shared a bed until Constantine turned 10 and decided that he was too old for that, despite the fact that the Pines Manor had thirteen empty bedrooms. 

The doors to the train opened with a soft huff, Rosalie nearly jumped out of the train until she remembered that she had to grab her luggage but as she turned around she found that Cedric was holding her suitcase alongside his own. 

"I'll carry it to your family." Rosalie smiled at him, for once Cedric was actually being tolerable. 

"Thank you Diggory." They began walking through the crowd, Rosalie on her tiptoes trying to peer over the heads of the people in front of her. 

"ROSIE!" Rosalie turned her head so quick that Cedric thought it might fall off of her shoulders, there was a girl barreling towards them, she reminded Cedric of Rosalie, but with blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"ANA!" The two girls collided so hard Rosalie stumbled to the ground, but even on the ground the two girls remained hugging, it was heartwarming if the weight of the two suitcases wasn't threatening to take Cedric down with the two girls. 

Cedric looked around to see if anyone was staring at the girls, and found that a man and woman had appeared, Cedric recognized the man as Archard Pines he had seen him around the ministry when he accompanied his father to work. But the woman was completely unfamiliar, her dark hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail and the slight curl at the end was identical to the curl in Rosalie's hair. The couple hair an air of elegance around them, their cutting eyes focused on the two girls on the ground, Cedric felt nearly suffocated by their presence. 

"Oh thank you Cedric, i'll write you, promise." Rosalie pulled the taller boy down and into a hug, pressing her lips onto his cheek. He rolled his eyes at her before messing up her hair and turning away to go find his father.

"Mama, papa" Rosalie leaped into her father's arms, with a wide smile she had missed them even more than she remembered as she felt her mothers lips on her head. 

"Where's Constantine?" The lack of her older brother was concerning, she had missed him even more than the others as he apparently found it hard to respond to her owls whilst at school. 

"He's at home, sleeping." Rosalie stepped back before tackling her family again, she had just missed them so much. Her mother still smelled of roses and honey, her father still smelled of pine and cigars, and Anastasia still smelled of the strawberries she loved so much.

"Where's Draco?" Alexandrine raised her eyebrow at the girl, she knew what had happened, Rosalie had forgotten about the boy. The girl was quite forgetful sometimes, she had left her remembrall at home when she left for Hogwarts.

"I'm here." Draco Malfoy stood awkwardly behind the bunch, he hadn't wanted to intrude on them and it was interesting, his family would never be so affectionate in public, probably not even at home. 

Alexandrine smiled at the boy before pulling him in for a hug sprinkling kisses all over his cheeks, and even as he moaned about them being in public he couldn't deny that he enjoyed it. Next came Archard who pulled the boy into his arms and squeezed him so tight Draco though he would explode, then placed a kiss onto his head. And last came Anastasia, she tackled him just as she had Rosalie, the boy collapsed to the ground with the blonde girl on top of him, she smiled down at him before getting off of him and offering him a hand. Draco thought he would explode from more than just Archard's hug. 

"Are you kids hungry?" Archard had asked once they had escaped the chaos inside the platform, all three heads shook wildly, the train ride had been long and all they'd had was candy off of the trolley. Anastasia just enjoyed eating honestly, the girl was always willing to eat. 

"Well lets go home and you two get changed and Anastasia wake up Constantine and we'll go out for dinner." Archard hadn't stopped smiling since the children had arrived, he had missed his daughter and Draco spent enough time with them to be in their family, he had missed the boy as much as the girl. 

"Hurry up guys, i'm hungry."

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