Wasnt Planing on it (kirito pov)

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(Kirito POV)

I was currently heading back from a dungeon. It was almost dark but I didn't mind. When I was finishing up the dungeon I saw a group of player. So I decide to help them. And it was no problem but they thank me anyway.I think one of them was named Kuro. So they told to meet them at the Taft soon. Apparently they were in a guild so he want me to meet one more person. I didn't get his or her name but I'll just have to wait and see.

My thought trail of to (y/n). I don't know why but something about her.......different. I mean everything different about her. The way she fight is amazing, her personality is nothing to compare and her stunning (h/c)(h/l) just blowing in the wind. Wow that weird. That making me sound like I like her or something. Im pretty sure she wouldn't go for someone like me. Ugh I mean I would care anyway. Maybe I should just get her out of my head.

I stopping think when I sense some player but not the good kind. I walked a little fact than before just to get close enough to see them. Instead of a few it was like eight player surrounding someone. It was probably a girl. When one of them holding a knife put it on her neck that wear I came out of my look out spot.

"Leave her alone asshole!" I yelled. They didn't know who I was at first but they got the idea when I pull out my sword. So they all ran away. I sigh putting back my sword while looking at the girl. To my all surprised is was (y/n)?
"Are you going to help me or just keep looking at me?" She said expressionless.
" oh right sorry" I got out my sword and cut the rope. Only a sec later I realize that she was upside down. Stupid stupid. I immediately catch her with her on top of me. With my arm holding her waist we both groaned from the impact. I open my eye to see if she was ok but she was literally two centimeter from my face. Fortunately she did notice what position we were in or the fact that I had a blush creep onto my face.
" are you alright" she asked as she look at me but why is she asking me that?
" I should be asking you that" I said still looking that her. She slowly get off me still with a blank face. Then she puts her hand out so I can grab it. I quickly pulled myself up.
" I know but thank for saving me" she said quietly like she was embarrass. I shakes it off anyways.

" it was no problem but what were you doing out here especially out at night? I assume you know that better then me" I asked scratching the back of my neck. She sigh then spoke.
" well I was going to meet up my 'friend' at the Taft but I ended up in the forest and that when those asses came. I just surprise I didn't notice that I guess I was just out of it" she said stunning voice. I can just hear her talked all day. Now I was just stuck in my daydream of her. Great

"irito kirito KIRITO!" That snapped me out of my daydream.
" yeah I'm here!"
" where you listening I say were you headed for Taft?" She asked a little annoyed.
" oh ah yeah sorry" I said nervously. She looked at me and said.
" well then let's go" then she started to pull me all the way to town.
We walk though the crowd of players.It had more people than I expected but I never really notice.She was in front of me and I was in back. It was an equal amount of distance. It was silence on our walk to Taft. It was a comfortable on though. It seems like she didn't mind the silence either.
We entered in the Taft and then saw the few player I was supposed to meet.I walk straight to them and (y/n) followed me. Kuro I think that was his name saw us.
" hey kirito so glad you could make it" he smiled then turn his head to (y/n).
" well I guess you alright met (y/n) well that great oh and this is the player that help us!" he said with joy in his eye. (Y/n) was already in a chair with her elbow onto the table holding her chin. I sat down sitting next to her.
" if you start acting all perky like that he going to think your some five year old who just got a sugar rush from one piece of candy " she said coolly. He didn't have a care in the world on how he acted. It was actually really funny.
He ranted on and on but I lost tack on what he was saying.
" does he always act like that?" I asked (y/n). She put her arm down and look at me and said.
" unfortunately yes but I can make him stop if you think it creepy or something" I laughed a little
" no it fine it really amusing to watch" I said she just nodded.
" oh finally now the whole guild is here now we can start our meeting" he said. I now just noticed that two other people are here.
" Kirito we just like to thank you again for helping us we are sore in a pickle there haha."he smiled bightly and continued.
"Anyway onto the real business we're here. We were thinking that you should join us when we go on get the boss. What do you said?"
" I don't know are you sure you want someone like me? I said unsure of the answer.
" Of course we do your skills are awesome!! especially since you have been a solo player for this long and you would fit in very easily!!" Kuro said excitedly.
" That fact the you don't act like some cocky ass who think your better then everyone make this even better" (y/n) said very calmly.
I guess it won't hurt to join. They seem nice people anyway. Not the mention (y/n) in this too. So I won't be all alone about being a beater.
" alright I'm in" I said confidence then i thought.

" YEAHHHHH WE GOT A NEWW MEMBER!!!! " he raise he fist up in excitement. I laugh too. I can't get over the fact the he way to cheery.
" Kuro we're still in a public place he so calm down idiot" she said muttering the last part but I still heard it.
" right sorry"he nervously laugh at her remark.
" Anyway I'm tired as hell you have no idea what I been thought since I got here."
She was probably talking about when she was upside down.
" Kirito?"
" oh yes?"
" We'll tell you everything you need to know about the 'guild tomorrow sound good?"
" yeah ok" I said with a little smile. Then all of us when straight to bed.

Hey everyone!
Kirito oh Kirito it's fun to say his name but not in a creepy way lol😜
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Hope you enjoy!!!!!
See ya next chapter!😋✌🏻️

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