Final Attack

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(your POV)
We are now at the front door and on the other side is the boss. I look at Kuro giving him a strong nod and he did the same.
" alright listen cause I'm only going to say this once" I called out giving everyone their full attention.
" this now a life or death I pretty sure you don't need a reminder. Everyone stick to your role you have them for a reason Kuro and I call the shots. Understood?" I finished coldly.
" YES" they all said. Kuro jumped in as well.
" now let's go kick some ass!" He fired back. Kuro opened the door and leads us in. We all walk in slowly along the side. It was dark for a few seconds. Then the lights shine on this....weirdly figured boss. The fuck was that? It was half sheep, half centaur and had red glowing eye.It was just sitting there with its eyes open and not moving. Maybe it hasn't detect us. No this has to be a trick or something.
Kirito and i move closer. It still doesn't move even though we're right in front of it but.
" crap" Its eyes turn black signaling something to attack us. I look around the room to see a light coming right at me and everyone else.
" watch out!" The laser hit against my sword bounding it out to the boss. So did everyone else. Fortunately it hit the boss greatly. The laser hit right in front of its eye.
" ok everyone let go!"

Everyone ran to there places and the battle officially begun. Kuro started to put his plan into full release.
" you two will be on lock with the laser make sure how much time we have before they blast then try to hit the boss It's greatly affected on" they  got right on it. Kuro and someone else are trying to find other weaknesses. Kirito and I are attack the boss in the front.
Same thing we did with those minions ok?" Kirito said pulling out his sword getting ready to go first.
" you got it "

The boss had stand showing it true high and its double blade sword with a little gap in the middle. He was going to attack Kuro when Kirito made to boss look at him. With a switch,I block his sword. I was kinda hard not to go the gap that was in his sword. It wobbled for a bit before I swing in to the other direction and jump over the sword and landed with a switch with Kirito.

So far only three lasers hit the boss. We got rid of two health bar so we need two more to go. Then as the health go lower it start to get more active and the lasers became more unpredictable.For what only been 20 minutes this is takes longer than you think.
What caught our attention is when the boss made a loud roar that flew everyone back. It was like a power blast. It even swang its tail,whipping the guy next to Kuro off the floor and shattering into little pieces.
I was piss off but had to keep fighting. The other had to look of terror in them but all change to rage.

( Kuro POV )
I got away before that tail whip me but that luck didn't take Steve. He was the first player I had when I started before I met (y/n) and now gone form this game.
Damn it
I hate when people die especially now. I know that Kirito and (y/n) are fine and the other two Nova and Lynn they never seen death before. I just found them one floor one living in fear so I brought them to join my guild so that they wouldn't be living in fear and traumatizes forever. They're brother and sister if one die the other won't be whole again. I can't stand the thought of them or one dying or risk it. Only one thing I had to do.
" Nova,Lynn teleport out" they look hesitated and confused. They trust me too much to not listen. Soon those two gone now it just us. I join in the fight with Kirito and (y/n) ready back in action.
" Now let's beat this bastard" I grin brightly.

( your pov)
Kirito and I both nodded to Kuro statement and continue on with the fight. My HP was almost close to being end on yellow so I quickly drank a HP potion. Kirito and Kuro were switching out most of the time so that I can't find a way to attack it weak spot. Apparently the lasers stop after that roar. Now is just us and the boss. I got it!
"Kirito you go attack the back legs and Kuro you go attack the two front legs got it?!" They looked confused at first but soon they knew what I was about to do.
They attack it's leg so that it will get low enough so that I can attack its eye with my Compass Attack. It doesn't sound like a useful attack but it useful now.
It gets low enough so I can run to step on its face while my sword glows gold and swing my sword to go north south. Then goes west and east replacing the position.
After that I spin two time but when I finish it snapped its head back making me fall off and straight back. I guess I didn't think things through.

I was falling for a few seconds before hardly landed on my back and shoulder rolling a few inches away and dropping my sword too. I hold on to my shoulder as I rolled away. I have to admit it hurt like a bitch. I think the beast got my ribs too damn it. I groaned to hold in all the pain and slowly got up.
I took a peek at HP bar and it was already in yellow.
" (y/n) you alright damn try being a little less reckless" Kuro called.
" don't worry about me focus your attention on the boss" I said barley before healing a little HP bar so it's at least in the green.
I look at the boss to see it lost a another health bar. Now we can get out of here sooner. I didn't realize that the boss was charging at me! I try to find my sword but I could reach it in time. It was about slash its sword when I got roughly push out of the way.
I eyes open widely and look at the person who did it. Kuro?!
Kirito got in and slash its chest with his sword with rage. I caught him before he could fall.
" Kuro you idiot! You know I could of taken that hit fine" I was so mad and his HP was going down fast.
" No you can't die!! Please" I had tears brimming my eye but they would dare to could out. My hand were already shaking but Kuro put his hand on my cheek before smiling.
" don't cry" Then his shatter never to return to this world or the real world.

I was in that spot for awhile in a daze of nothingness in front of me. I got up blocking the pain. It useless for me when I'm in a fight
" Kirito" I called out and he look back at me.
" sorry let's kill this once and for all" he nodded with a smirk. I been waiting to use this skill for awhile. Let's see how much damage it can do and maybe killing this boss for good.
"Kirito I have a plan you go attack its front legs again then come back to slash its eyes destroying its last HP points" I said in complete rage. He nodded as he was head for the legs. I focus the boss on me. When he was done I activate
Crescent Flame attack.
Once it became its red glow, it tip and down became hot like fire.
I look at it in rage before Kirito and I attack it.
Kirito and I when slashed across it face and mine leaving little flames to it. The final slash was harder than before, crushing our blades through its skull. It made a ear peering roar before it became no more than blue glass disappearing.


Yeah congratulations for winning a pointless death.
Find out next time on: Ghost?
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