Midnight in the Town

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" Wow that was amazing!"
" yeah great job" Everyone gave us a compliment on out fight. Even I was impressed. That what we do we support each other....at least that's what Kuro said.
This supporting thing is strange to me. In irl I never had anything like this and I'm glad I have them.
" great match (y/n)" I look over to Kirito. He was holding his hand out for me to shake it.
" yes you too I was impressed " I said while shaking his hand. He looked like his wasn't expecting me to say something nice but he did a small smile.
" wow you must be really special if
(y/n) say something nice for once" Kuro joked.
" shut up Kuro I came said somethings nice if I want to" I said pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Why not me then?" He asked curiously. Then I sighed
I muttered only so his could hear it. Then I suddenly got attack by a wild Kuro.
" thanks (y/n)!" He said in aw.
" don't get use to it,now get off" I'm starting to get irritated so my eyebrow twitches.He finally lets go and I started walking away.
( time skip)

It was getting late and Kirito and I had our wins and losses for one day. I taught him somethings and he told me somethings he can do. We are now walking to the house and I'm beside Kirito. Once we get in our guild house, Kuro planned out who's where and who's what. That's the only time when he's really serious. Who wouldn't be? Your facing a boss that could get you killed of what you do and when you do it. No one knows what going to happen and we have to be prepared of whatever's going to happen. It not any different for any other player as well.
After he's finished he tell us to go to bed. I went to my room like alway and  everyone has there light off.
I lay in the bed with my eyes closed but didn't want to go to sleep. I guess I felt a little nervous for tomorrow. But why?
I got up putting a hands through my hair. I stressing something that I shouldn't be cause I know that everything will be fine. Not that I know for a fact but still. I got out of my room making sure I don't wake anyone.
Once I got outside I started heading to the old brigade in the middle of town square. It was alway wear the moon settled. No matter how many floors you were on it would always be dead smack in the middle and stars carried it's background. I alway gave me a good aura whenever I feel some sort of way that I never experienced. That just how I am I guess.
A sudden breeze flew on the air but it wasn't from the wind but from something else or someone else. I turn left and right and someone was there. Let's just hope it the person I'm thinking of.
" Kirito?" I called out if it was him. He came out. I sighed in relief thank god it was other wise I probably would have stab him somehow.
" hey (y/n)" he said rubbing the back of his neck.
" gosh Kirito you almost scared me were you stalking me or something" I said.
" No! I wasn't stalking you I was actually looking for you since you weren't in your room." He said with a small tint of blush that didn't go unnoticed.
" oh well then come sit here where I can as least see you" I pad next to a space next to me. Then he came over to the stop next to me. He sat down but accidentally put his hand on mine which made look at it. He hand feel really warm. Then he removes it once he saw me look at. I turn front and act like that didn't just happen.
" sorr-"
" it's fine" there was a silence a very awkward silence. The silence where you can hear a pin drop and everyone could hear it. I decided to break it.
" did you want to tell me something?" I asked him. He seem to have something troubling him. I looked over to him and he did to me.
"I just..um..do you think we're going to be alright? I just worried" He worried about that?
" I'm no fortunate teller but I think so it better than being unprepared now tell me what really the matter"he sigh looking down. He looks hesitate to tell but by the look on his face I know exactly what's he thinking.
" your scared that your not going to be able to protect everyone and when you think that everyone go to die it going to be your fought? You seem to be responsible for everyone life just because you a ex-beta tester. Am I correct?" The look of shock spread across his face and next comes confusion.
" and i can't read your mind if that what your thinking. Your facial expression is telling me everything.I can read your expression faster than a book with pictures in it." i said and he laugh a little.
" didn't know your had a sense of humor I guess we learn something every day" he said. i just shrugged
" Anyway, that shouldn't be pestering you. I bet lots beta testers thought the same thing, and ended up dying with that thought.We may be beta tester but that doesn't make us responsible for everyone life. All of us are willing to fight this game and we'll be fighting with our own strength. You should be worrying about you and not other people around you. If we die will be willing to die cause everyone has something to fight for" I finally finished saying.
"Wow" he said
" it nothing really..um..we should head back" I said getting up and pulling Kirito up as well.

Then we made it to the front door and quietly open it. I was definitely ready to go to sleep. I could barely keep my eyes open.
Once Kirito and I got in Kirito hugged me for some reason. I was in complete shock and it was awkward for me to at the same time.
" kir-kirito?" Wait, I never stutter what is wrong with me?! I eventually relaxed my shoulders.
"thank you (y/n) for what you said over there it makes my feel a lot better about the dungeon"
I didn't think it was a problem but the hug did feel nice. His body against mine make me really warm and really tired. My eyes start getting heavy,close my eye on to Kirito.

(Kirito POV)
After I said that I felt (y/n) go limp in my arms.
"(y/n)?" I look back to see (y/n) face. I didn't know she was that tired. She was sleeping on my shoulder with her lips slightly parted. She looks so peaceful I honestly don't know what to do but stare. What am going to do with you?
I gently picked up her leg so I was carrying her in bridal style. Then walk to her room. Taking my time of course. Once I got close to her bed I took a last look before putting her in her bed.
"good night"

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