No way in hell!

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I would be currently at restaurants filling my hunger with nonexistent food with Kirito. It was surely awkward too. However, before we could start eating a inconvenience scream that made us jump out of our seats. We rush out of there to see what was going on and quickly. We when through a couple of turns before getting to the actual sense. There was a crowd surrounding  a man that was hunger by his neck with a ton of heavy armor on struggling. Every just stand there watching like a freakin piñata waiting to pop! If you look even closer you'll see there also a long hand sword piercing his chest.
" he going to die!!!!" Someone grasped out. That person is clearly dumb cause you can't die in a safe zone. Unless, you agreed to a dual to the death and that's completely different.
" I going up to cut the rope from up top you try on the bottom." Kirito said and scurry up the stairs.

I took out three small dagger that I keep in my shoe,out. Don't ask why. Although my accuracy aim isn't one of the best in the game I'm still willing to try it. If anything I'll just end up throwing it  and never getting it back. I focus my attention closely on the rope, throwing them all with speed and power. Kirito should have been up there alright. The player hanging stop twitching and shattered but all except the sword that was jabbed in his chest.
" damnit" I mutter angrily to no one in particular. Kirito peel his head out the window.
" no one is up here" he said. I looked deeply into the crowd hoping to find a 'winner icon'. In case, a dual was happening. That has to be the only logical explanation of this happening.
There were no player I.Ds that declared a winner. The tensity in the air was grow thick. I was a little shaken up by what we just faces.I quickly grabbed the sword observing it from up close and ran up to Kirito. As I finish the long stair case I found Kirito looking at a stump with rope tie around it.
" we could look from the obvious reasons,the guy was in dual suddenly got hung up with a sword in his chest but I know there's something missing from that" he said looking back to me.
" their was no one was declared winner so there was no dual to begin with" I said with a added sigh looking off to the side.
" Even so we can't ignore this, if pkers have found a way the kill player inside safe zones no body going to be safe. Making this game even more impossibility " He said with stress coming up.
" I agree, this far beyond any murder has gone to. They're also may be other tactics that could of transform into what's happening now. Let not try to describe this game as impossible there are thing we see and do that are supposes to be impossible yet there here in this world, the word I'd use is unbelievable" I finished saying by putting my elbow up onto Kirito shoulder.
I look at his serious face but nods in acceptant.
I take my gaze away from Kirito to look at the sword once more.I felt the edges of the red murder weapon on the tips of my fingers. I have to admit it looked pretty cool also reminds me death.
" we better go back out to the crowd so their not panicked" Kirito said with a modern tone.

I nodded and we when down stairs to the crowd. Kirito called out a question for the crowd.
" listen up did anyone see what happen before that player die? Please speak up!"
From my guess no one seem to have a connection between the murder. Except, a girl fairly tall than me with purple hair came up shyly over to us.
As she was near us but her a sad smile was hiding her grief.
" you must had a great care for that player am I'm correct?" I said in a clam voice.
" yes we were going to meet up since we haven't seen each other in a while but......" she sighed heavily before she started again.
" anyway I'm Yolko" she introduced.
" I'm (y/n) and this is Kirito if you like you could give the info you know tomorrow " i said giving her a awkward pats on the shoulder.
" we still have to investigate the sword info so we'll be doing that" Kirito added.
" no shit Sherlock Jones we solve the case in no time" I said sarcastically. Yolko chuckled at my comment.
" that fine to me I better get home soon" I first added her into my friends list so we can you know met up. Then we both waved goodbye and walking the oppositDe direction.

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