The 46

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A/N So Hadley and Finn died while they were out

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A/N So Hadley and Finn died while they were out.. :(


"Son of a bitch." Vincent ground his teeth together as I snapped the arrowhead off. I had Gemma and Caila holding his body still as I drenched the wound in alcohol. It was straight vodka, but it was the best we had. I poured some onto a cloth as well that I gave to Caila.

"As soon as I pull this out hold this as tight as you can onto the other end while I stitch it up." She nodded at me her eyes filled of worry- scared for the boy who had begun to chuckle. "I'll go on the count of three okay, Vin?" I didn't wait for an answer.

"1- 2." And I pulled it out, right the way it came from. It came out with ease; thankfully no bone or severe arteries were affected as I did so. I hear him swear at me under his breath at me but I kept going.

He winced at Caila pressed the cloth against him, the alcohol doing its job as it made the way into the wound. After inspecting it I let a breath release internally- there was nothing left behind it was a clean hole.

"You're a lucky bastard Vincent." I chuckled at I began to clean around the whole. Reaching for the sewing kit I'd been using for peoples stitches I began my work on patching it up.

"Am I gunno die, Doc?" He teased; licking him lips as he ran his good hand threw his hair. "I'm to beautiful to die!" He dramatically held his hand over his head.

"Be careful, There's still time." I spoke under my breath, a smile plastered over my face as the four of us couldn't help but laugh at the surfer.

"You'd still love me even with a hole next to my heart wont you?" Caila ignored Vincent's flirtatious remark, but I could see the way her fingers delicately danced over his skin as she held the cloth to him. I knew exactly what she'd be thinking, his fiancé had just died- his coping mechanism must be humour. But I'm sure that didn't take away from the way she was beginning to feel about him.

"What did you do to him?" A loud voice boomed, breaking the chorus of our laughter as he strode over. As he reached our side I almost reached out to brush the curl that was hung over his eyes but my fingers continues their work on the back of Vincent's shoulder.

When no one responded he asked again. "What did you do to him? I knew you weren't our saviour – you couldn't even help one person!" he spat at me, trying to pry my hands off of from Vincent.

"Back off man, she did save me, my idiot ass set the arrow off on my own." Vincent seemed to actually like Jesse; the way he spoke to him wasn't full of spite like they way I do. Pushing Jesse's hand off from him, he also gave him a shove backwards. "She'd still trying to help man."

"Whatever." Jesse mumbled underneath his breath, but he was right in front of me so I didn't miss the look of fear that shot threw his eyes. "Glad you're making yourself useful for once."

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