The boy and the girl

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The moment our lips found each other all hesitation and rational-thinking flew out the window. Gone was our control, instinct had taken over entirely.

His lips were rough, hard, as they met mine forcefully. His hands were immediately on my neck, wrapping around and knotting his fingers into my thick curls.

My veins were throbbing and my heart was exploding, nothing had even made me feel this alive. Every sense of mine was heightened as our lips fought for control of the kiss.

I could feel the hair on the back of my neck and arms standing up, my stomach twisting and turning as my hands held his face to mine.

My hand on his cheek travelled up to his hair, my fingers tangling themselves in the hair I so often had the urge to run my fingers threw. Finally I could. I used my hand in his hair to pull his head backwards slightly.

My lips fought over his for dominance, my head moving to deepen the kiss- not questioning my own actions. I could feel all my anger translated threw my lips and I knew his understood it. His fought back just as hard, his hands tugging my hair every time I became too overwhelming.

Overcome with lust, passion and anger my lips pulled back only slightly for a quick breath. It wasn't long enough to gain control of myself, but it was just enough to catch a glimpse of his lips.

I watch his lips transform into a sly smile. I didn't need to look up to see his eyes mirroring the action, and immediately my lips were pulled up into a smile too.

In the brief moment being separated from him, my lips felt empty and hungry to feel his once again. So the second the smile spread over my lips I couldn't help but reach to him again.

This kiss was no different, full of passion and anger as our lips just rushed against each others.

My other hand grabbed onto his arm, digging into his muscle as he began to push me backwards.

His lips were overwhelming, volatile.

I felt my back push up against something, a tree, as his body held me captive there.

My hand travelled up his side to his face, pulling his torso flush against me- I didn't want there to be any space between the two of us.

Occasionally we pulled apart for quick inhales of air but nothing could stop our lips from finding each others again.

They were hungry for each other, they were feverish when they met. And the way it was making me feel was completely foreign.

"I hate you so much." I mumbled.

"I hate you more." He whispered against my lips, his hands coming to the sides of my face and holding me to him. Our chests heaved together, our slight pants mixing in the air as we attempted to gain control of ourselves.

Our lips brushed slightly, neither of trying to close the distance this time. Our noses also brushed as our foreheads pressed against each others.

I could feel his breaths on my lips, the previously wet bottom lip burning every time I felt his lips fluttering over it.

For the first time since it started I finally looked into his eyes and I could see everything that was churning at my stomach mirrored back at me. The anger and rage I felt in his presence was amplified, the feeling of his hungry lips sending me wild.

I'd always heard there was a thin line between love and hate and we'd definitely been dancing on that line, letting the lust confuse all of our senses.

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