The girls who got left behind

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"You better keep them all alive." I mumbled, patting Vincent's shoulder telling him that I was done. He thought he would get away from me this morning without my fixing up his stitches- he was sorely mistaken. I'd forced the whole group to wait while I mended his shoulder, purposely taking as much time as possible- hoping the boys would change their minds.

This morning I'd woken to a group of people, bags on back, shovelling their breakfast down. I didn't even take a moment for me to jump and make sure they had everything they would need and that they knew they had to be home before dark that evening.

"Vincent's in charge, everyone, he's your only hope of returning safe." I teased as I pushed up onto my feet. My arms folded over my chest as I faced the boys before me. I searched over Mason and Emmet- they seemed healthy and eager to leave. Jesse was a different story.

He clearly hadn't slept a wink last night and I could see the hollow bags beneath his eyes, even his posture was slightly altered- betraying his tired state. I knew that no one else had noticed but I couldn't miss it. He was preoccupied with the knife I had given him, he was trying to find a safe place to store it in his jacket and wasn't having much luck.

I reached out for the knife, and dropped down to the ground. He pulled up the leg of him pants as I tucked the blade into his boots. I pushed myself back up to find myself chest to chest with the boy.

"I thought we've discussed not needing a leader, princess." A small smile of amusement played on his lips but his eyes told me something different. He looked concerned, like he didn't want to be going out today.

"At least Vincent isn't the one that looks like he's going to fall asleep on the job." I whispered, we were close enough to each other that no one else seemed to pay attention. "I gave you the chance to stay, Jesse, so don't try and back out of this now."

He didn't even bother protesting, knowing his eyes had given him away. He hardens, lips forming a tight line and his eyes shifting to something unreadable.

"I'm barely even tired. Plus, tired doesn't mean stupid and it certainly doesn't mean weak." His hair had fallen over his eyes again, the curls so thick I couldn't even make out where I had given him stitches.

"Just be safe okay, keep them all out of trouble." I breathed, my hands having a mind of their own and reaching up to met his hair. We both froze for a moment, his breath fanning over my wrist as my hand just hung there.

Both pairs of our eyes were concentrated on my hand, waiting for it do something. I was pleading for it to drop back to my side and Jesse just looked like he didn't understand what I was doing. That made two of us.

My eyes met his and that gave my hand the go ahead to reach up and run my fingers threw his hair, pushing it to the side and out of his eyes. We were both breathing deeply, out chests starting to rise and fall slower.

My fingers fell down from his face, his hand catching it before it was back at my side. He caught it and held it, palm out, to his chest. My breath caught in surprise, my heart racing off as I searched his eyes for an answer. He didn't look sure of his actions either, it was clear that the both of us were acting off instinct rather than logic.

"I can't lose you either, you know that right?" His eyes pleading with me, begging for me to understand the way he was feeling. I understood all too well.

"Of course." I breathed out, I curled my fingers taking with me a handful of his shirt. I clutched on, knowing that when I let go he'd be walking away into possible danger and there was nothing I could do about it.

Of course I knew he needed me as much as I needed him here on this island to survive. It was the unspoken bond between us, we just understood that in order to get everyone and ourselves out of this alive we needed to strength of the other. I could just feel it and I could see it in his eyes.

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