The girl that went looking for answers

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"There's no one left. The last died not long after you left." Rukma spoke of the quarantine that I had been headed towards. I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart squeezing. The though of it just being the 20 of us left, 19 without Jesse, made me feel physically ill. "And you shouldn't be here, you need to be leaving."

I turned to face Rukma, creating a weak smile with my lips- trying to not display my true emotions on my features. She held out my back pack, watching me with her beady eyes.

"Time do go, Dru." I stepped towards her and she assisted me in putting it on. Before pulling away she grabbed hold of my hand that was on the arm of the pack. She gave me a tight squeeze. "It's not your fault, we tried out best."

I brushed her hand away as politely as I could ignoring her forgiving gaze and hopeful smile. I couldn't deal with this now.

I pushed myself away from the girl and moved to where my group was waiting for me.

Caila, James, JJ and I were headed to the camp site. Caila and I had insisted the small child stay behind- that it wasn't safe bringing him out into the forest. But James refused to let him leave him side and we just couldn't argue that- he'd already lost the other two people he loved.

I shifted my crossbow that was hung over my shoulder, my eyes watching as the two groups prepared to go out in search of more of the traps.

Joe, Gemma and Vincent were heading out to the right, they had their own Crossbow to protect themselves with and had instructions to be back before dark. They knew the drill, except there was no more obvious marking your trail.

We'd agreed that instead we would mark a tree with knife leaving only a single line. You'd only be able to see it if you were looking for it.

The other group was Elena, Chadna and Mason. Despite being a finger down Mason seemed to be capable as I watched him preparing his crossbow.

The final group wasn't going trap hunting, they were going out for food and more resources to use as weapons. They weren't allowed to leave the outskirts of the beach. They needed to stay close to protect the people staying behind on the beach- they didn't have any weapons.

Rukma was staying to watch over Cara and Jenny and Freyja were staying to look after Ari and Addy. It sickened me, the thought of leaving only the children on the beach with no weapons but something also told me they'd be safe.

I made my way to my group's side, nodding at them to see if they were all ready to go. I was given back three nods, everyone picking up their packs.

I turned to the other groups, getting a odd sense of déjà vu from just days ago. Looking from person to person I was welcomed with smiles, with bloodied faces and hopeful eyes. I saw gash after wound after injury, but I also saw determination. And I couldn't have been prouder of my fellow survivors.

"You know what to do, I'll see every single one of you for dinner tonight." I got a series of nods and mumbles of agreement before they all turned and headed off to embark on their own tasks.

"Don't die!" I yelled out as I took the first step into the forest, leaving the sand, the safety, and everyone else behind.


"It should be just around here, we found it on the first day. Most of us stayed here but a few of us went a little further. So I got pretty used to what was around us." James huffed out as he attempted to catch his breath.

He'd just carried JJ on his back the entire 30minute run, as the young boy just couldn't keep up nor could he manoeuvre his way around the trees and rocks.

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