The 21

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"Jer! Jeremy! Wake up. Please, Jer!" Cara was screaming, her body jolting around under my hands as I attempted to hold her from reaching for the boy. I couldn't have her moving around, she would only do more damage. Her screams sliced threw my heart, with each verbal sob I could feel my heart aching. I bit back the tears, tucking the hair behind my ears as I looked around for help.

"Hold her down." I demanded, looking to Vincent. "There's no calming her so just make sure she doesn't move." Vincent nodded and quickly did as I asked.

"Jeremy you bastard, open you eyes!" Her words spat out and they almost felt like a slap in the cheek. I was the reason she sounded like a part of her way dying. I knew what that sounded like, trust me. "JEREMY!" She'd given up thrashing under Vincent's arms, falling limp as her tears showed no signs of stomping.

I didn't have time, I had to analyse what was happening with the boy. Reaching over my fingers went straight too his pulse. It was still there faintly beating, so faint that I almost missed it. My hands flew into work, not letting myself think twice about what I needed to do. I tried to clean out his wound while holding out my hand for the medicine that Jesse had gotten out. Opening his mouth I forced the pain medicine into his mouth and went back to his wound. If I could stop the bleeding maybe I would be able to do something. Reaching for a rag to apply pressure on the half that I wasn't working on a voice interrupted me.

"Dru, save him please. You can save him can't you?" She spoke threw her tears, her eyes shining momentarily with optimism that was so wrong placed on me. My own tears were forming as I tried to steady my self. Glancing back over the boy in front of me my hands began to shake.

My hair had fallen over my face, but I couldn't snap my self back into action I was frozen. My heart was beating too fast, my breaths were coming too frequent and I could feel my self slipping out of control. My fingers made their way back to his pulse, trying to guide what I should do next- buy me time to figure it out.

But it was gone. I pressed harder to make sure that it wasn't just getting fainter. When I found nothing again I couldn't help my self from letting the words escape my lips. "NO!" I exclaimed, turning his body over to begin CPR. "No, wake up Jeremy, wake up." I was frantically pressing at his chest, pushing with all the force that I had. I couldn't see, my hair blocking what the tears did not.

"NO!"I could hear the shrieks coming from besides me, filled of desperation and loss. I couldn't bring myself to look at the girl whose boyfriend I just took from her. "Jeremy!"

Her screams became a background noise to the overwhelming sound of my heart beat thudding in my chest. My hands shook with each compression but I wasn't going to stop, my despair grew - my screams filling the air with Cara's.

I pressed and pressed and pressed, waiting to feel a breath leave his lips or for his heart to start again. But it never did.

All at once I snapped back, realising that he was truly gone. Because of me another person had died.

I felt hands pulling my elbow back and I didn't have the energy to refuse. I felt numb, everything around me was moving in slow motion and my hearing had failed me. My heartbeats had lowered but with each beat I could fell a pang of guilt- one that made me ill to the core of my stomach.

The hands pulled me completely away from the two people lying on the ground. They pulled me far enough away that Cara's screams were a mere echo in the wind, one that was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.


Jesse. Of course it was him, the only one stupid enough to be around me when I was like this.

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