Chapter 1

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I was running, running away from my past, running away from the pack but mostly running away from myself.

It had been 3 days since I had a rest and something to eat. So as soon as I saw a bridge i came out of the woods and walked under it, i pushed all the leaves from under the bridge into a pile, i sank into the leaves and tried to get them to cover me cause it was such a cold night, but at least my fur will keep me warm.

Waking up under a bridge was one thing but waking up under a bridge with another wolf watching you was another. The pure black wolf was looking at me with wonder awe and a little bit of disgust. I started to whimper when I realised that there wasn't only one wolf but 3 wolfs watching me, (including the pure black one) the other looked the same but had different colour eyes, wolf number 1 had had brown and golden fur with green eyes and wolf number 2 had brown and golden fur like wolf number 1 but it had dark chocolate brown eyes.

The black wolf walked over to behind a tree but never came back, instead a tall muscular guy with black hair and electric blue eyes. Plus a six pack but I wasn't counting them.....maybe. (Btw he was shirtless. oh em gee he is hot)

I hadn't even realised the guy had been talking "wolf shift now or else we will have to bring you back to the pack house" anger was laced through his voice so I walked over to a tree and shifted, i knew I was going to be naked when I shifted so when i ran away from my pack i tied clothes loosely around my wrist so they didn't break when I shifted.

I changed into some camouflage pants, a black t-shirt then pulled my white blond hair around both my shoulders into piggy-tails.

I walked back out to see no more wolves but 3 guys, one i knew as black haired guy and the other 2 were identical twins apart from their different coloured eyes. Black haired guy spoke "what are you doing on our territory" i gulped cause i didn't have an excuse except for running away from the pack and its alpha, but I wasn't going to tell in that."well" the guy spoke in an irritated voice. "i dont really have a reason" i said lying straight through my teeth, "ahh looks like we will have to take you back to the pack house cell" all of a sudden i was grabbed by the twins and pushed through the forest to a massive mansion.

The mansion was a cream with elegant looking garden and a long driveway with to die for cars such as Cadillacs and BMW sports cars. i stood in awe until the twins started to push me, i growled an un-human like sound at them but they didn't even flinch.

The guy with the black hair walked into the mansion but we kept walking into an open field to the middle. if you were standing anywhere else then right next to it you wouldn't realise there was a silver door. I tried to shrivel myself into a ball while still being held, the twin with the green eyes kept holding me while the twin with the brown eyes got some gloves from under a plant next to the door, put them on then open the door.

Yet again I was being pushed but this time i was being pushed downstairs into what looked like a jail. By now i was panicking what were they going to do to me, it was cold down here and I was scared which made me shiver. We continued to walk until we reached a cell that had the number 10 on the cell door, i was thrown into the cell then had the cell door closed on me. I started to shiver and curl into a ball.The twin with the green eyes looked at me and asked "are you cold, do you need a jacket, are you hurt, do you need any help standing up or moving" i shrunk closer to the ground cause i was scared and confused on why he was being so nice to me. He spoke again in a softer voice, please don't be scared alpha will just question you about why you were on our territory, i will be here so if anything bad happens I can stop it, ok?" I wasn't going to speak cause my voice would have come out in a squeaky so i just nodded in understandment. Just as i nodded i heard a door being opened so i crawled over into the corner of the cell and curled up into a ball whilst whimpering in fear. The twin with the green eyes started talking just as the black haired guy from before came into view "this is Alpha Dan"


If you haven't realised Angel is a were wolf but i didnt want so say in in a way like 'oh yea btw im a werewolf ' cause that sounds too cliché

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